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What, Doesn't Anybody Work on Wednesdays

Guest Greg Ross

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Wednesday is the only day I work. If you call going to a very big Auto auction

work. As a Matter of facy I saw a 90 Reatta Coupe (Grey,Grey Black) at the auction today. Guess what? <span style="font-weight: bold">I bought the darn thing</span>

It needs a little help like head liner and carpeting on the rear storage compartments, and the headlites don't go up. Other than that it looks pretty good. 123k miles. It seems to have more power than my two Converts.

Maybe I will be working on Wednesdays for a while. Tomorrow I will get into the headlites. Charlie B. ooo.gif

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Guest Brolliar

Charlie, it sounds like you had a good day yesterday. Now with five cars you may have a storage problem. I would be pleased to help you by storing one of your convertibles. I will even have my wife drive it occasionally to keep the battery charged. She has never had a convertible and would like to have one for awhile. I had a 47 Pontiac convertible and my brother and I also owned a 51 stude convertible jointly when I was in high school so the urge is not quite as strong for me.

Always glad to help a friend with a problem. Have a Good Day working on your new Reatta.

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<span style="font-weight: bold">EDBSO</span> I have come up with storage for all my cars, But I just sold the Lexus to a friend for a little more than you offered. Replaced it with a 96 Explorer. (In case it snows this winter)Now if I can edit my car list I willshow the newest Reatta and the Explorer.

<span style="font-weight: bold">Broliar</span>Thanks for the offer, I just don't feel like driving ine of them to Alabama for storage. I will be storing it in a friends extra garage for the

winter. But you are welcome to come to Ct. and take it for a ride. (On a nice day.

Regards to both of you. Charlie

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