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Charlie B.

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I think we should all write to Peter G. to see if EDBSO can be a

"Senior" senior member, along with Barney, Padgett,Broliar, G.M.Ross and a few more of these guys who are such great help to us. I know that I have saved quite a few $$ on the basis of their Info. Also saved a lot of hours following their advice on my Reatta projects. God Bless Them. Charlie B. smile.gifsmile.gif

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yes, EDBSO/Robert Fletcher has lent some great info that we're all thankful for. If only he could be a little less condescending when he speaks to us.......

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Same answer. Thank you ladies and gentlemen I continue to be very flattered. I enjoy sharing my 7 years of Reatta and other automotive experience with you all. Like padgett feels, it is a pleasant distraction to the day to be able to help in the small way that I can. BUT I continue to decline the honor, heck I barely have 75 posts laugh.gif

Now for padgett and of course barney and wally888 who provide the real technical information obviously there is something very unusual going on here. Many know that I have campaigned unsuccessfully for padgett in the past. It is padgett's, barney's and wally888's time <span style="font-style: italic"> <span style="font-style: italic"> <span style="font-weight: bold">NOW!</span> </span> Peter, with 30,300 posts the Reatta discussion is the largest of all the forums, <span style="font-weight: bold"> [color:\\"purple\\"] now is time for some of the accolades for our principal cherished members. </span> </span>

Yesssss can be condescending, will try to work on it. Please feel free to remind me and help me along the way.

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Guest wally888

Some time ago, maybe a year, there was a gentleman named Tom Walsh who was, excluding Barney and a few others, the most helpful person, to me, on this Forum! Wonder what happened to him?

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