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What IS it? Studebaker Logo.


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My grandfather worked for Studebaker (in the 40's I believe). Ever since I was little (the 60's?) there has been a light fixture in the house fashioned from some sort of Studebaker part. We affectionately called it the "Hubcap Light" but I really don't know if it was a hubcap. Grandad passed away in the 80's and I'd love it if someone can identify it for me. It is round, about 4 inches across, less than 1/2 inch deep. Outer 1/2 inch ring is chrome colored, the next 1/2 wide ring is a sort of gray enamel, and the center 2 1/2 inch circle is brownish with the word Studebaker on it (in the chrome color). It had 2 "mounting tabs" in the upper third, bent to the underside, and a third (larger at the bottom) which was bent downward. I have digital pictures if anyone would like to see it. It would be great if someone could tell us what vehicle it was used on and where on the vehicle. This time I will write it down! Many thanks. Sherry H., Arizona

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