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Fixed 19" split rim for wood spoked 29 Dictator

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Perhaps if one saw a picture of the damage one could explain how to straighten it.  I have seen lots of wheels and rims straightened.

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Tinindian, To look at it you would think it is pretty straight. However it is warped enough that it will no go on the wheel. I have tried stretching it using a jack and 2x4s cut in the diameter of the wheel. The lock does not want to stay closed either. Unless some place has a jig, I thought I might be able to make one using wood and a good rim as a template. Of course I would prefer to find someone who has a good used wheel they would part with for a reasonable sum. 

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I don't know if I would want to run on it everyday it us straight enough for a spare. I used my torch, Hercules Rim Tool and a lot of elbow grease. I just kept putting it on the wheel and marking the high spots. Eventually I had it good enough to install. I then put an old tire with a new tube and flap on it. I hope to get another new Universal tire eventually but for now my pocket book says this older tire will have to do since buying 4 new tires, 5 tubes and flaps has ran me out of cash. 



Edited by keninman
Added more text for explanation (see edit history)
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I think you have done a great repair.  I would put in on a road wheel and drive it locally for a while.  Perhaps on a bit of a rough road.  Check the rim bolts and wedges after every drive for a while and it might settle right into place.  Personally I would not be afraid to take it out on the highway.

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