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I wish to advise you of the publication my new book titled:

   First Motor Crossing of Australia 1912

Sidney Ferguson  Driver of  the 1912 Model F Brush Runabout  

            “Across - 4,200kms. - Australia”

Francis Birtles  Guide  -  “Rex” Mascot 


 The  2012 Centenary Expedition  “Across Australia”

     Tells the tale of this band of enthusiasts driving/riding thirty one 100 year old veteran motor cycles and cars, including five Brush Runabouts, 2600 miles/4200km across Australia, re-enacting the 1912 First Crossing to honour the 1912 hero es – The Brush Runabout, Ferguson, Birtles and Rex  As told by Bob Lamond, Brush Historian – member of the Veteran Car Club of Australia –NSW & Victoria

The history books got it wrong. This is the true tale

Francis Birtles, the man publicized around Australia and indeed around the world as being the first person to drive a motorcar across Australia – never drove the Brush – WRONG - he didn’t even have a drivers license. What he did have though was the gift of the gab and a reputation for being quite the rogue. 

     The only thing driven by Birtles was the media coverage – he never drove the Brush.

      NB   Many Australian and International Museums/Library/Tourist Information Centre/Motel likely contain misleading Birtles documents and references – those relating to the Historic 1912 First Crossing should record that in 1912 Sidney Ferguson was the first man to drive a motorcar “Across Australia” to ensure your readers/tourists get the true story and are not mislead by Birtles self aggrandisement writings and media reports based on Birtles’s misleading interviews. 


Cheers - If you would like to buy a copy of my - 278 pages- lots of historic photos – big one kilo beautiful book it sells for printing & postage costs only – this is a not for profit project – Send AUS$60 – via Paypal to my email or mobile phone number or via cheque- including your mailing address and one of the last 11 copies will be on its way to you.

                     Bob Lamond  267 Upper Piambong Rd Piambong 2850

lamond2@bigpond.com   0409 712 101

                  Copies have been donated to the National and State Libraries

Bob Lamond OBE!? 0409 712 101 “Solbakken” 267 Upper Piambong RdPiambong 2850 AUSTRALIA

1912 Sid Ferguson and Rex               2012 Bob Lamond in his 1910 Brush
                                                                Runabout -On the Nullarbor


First Motor Crossing of Australia 1912

Sidney Ferguson  Driver  -  Francis Birtles  Guide

“Rex” Mascot

1912 Model F Brush Runabout

“Across - 4,200kms. - Australia”


The history books got it wrong.

     Francis Birtles, the man publicized around Australia and indeed around the world as being the first person to drive a motorcar across Australia – never drove the Brush - didn’t even have a drivers license. What he did have though was the gift of the gab and a reputation for being quite the rogue.

This is the true tale

The year is 1912, the year of the sinking of the Titanic .

      In Australia, two men and one dog set out in an open two-seater Brush motorcar on their maiden voyage to be the first automobile to cross Australia. A similar heroic adventure, battling the elements and mechanical challenges, but with a very different outcome.

     2,600 miles – 90% no roads – virgin country with only a few camel tracks.

     Driven all the way by Sidney Ferguson, guided by Francis Birtles, with “Rex” their terrier mascot, this unlikely trio, achieved against all odds, the First West to East Motor Crossing of Australia.

      Locked together in isolation for 4 weeks, there possibly were never two more different personalities thrown together, facing events and conflicts that could make or break the attainment of this never before attempted crossing.

      Repeated records document Francis Birtles as the first man to drive across the continent, but the only thing driven by Birtles was the media coverage – he never drove the Brush. 

     This controversial tale unravels the story behind the story, covering the original journey and uncovering Sidney Ferguson as the undeniable man behind the wheel of this momentous event in Australian motoring history.


NB Please read page 3 –Historic Fraud – committed by ABC TV


The 2012 Expeditioners faced their own unique challenges. In 1912 it was a brand new Brush Runabout and virtually no roads - 2012 The roads were of various qualities but their motors were 100 years older. 


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