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A.R. Erskine

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Commander Dave here; Sun. Oct 13, Here in Huntsville, Al. Maple Hill Cemetery held it's annual cemetery stroll. local volunteers portray one of the full time residents dressed In period correct clothing. Donations are taken to clean and repair the historical part of the cemetery. I portray Mr. Russell Erskine and have a display board with some photos of him and of course Studebakers of that period. This takes place in front of his mausoleum. I want to be as authentic as possible. What I need are clear photos of him. (reproductions of course) This is a historical charity event ,any of our props and costumes come out of our own pocket. As an aside note; I had the chance to talk to the head of the cemetery and mentioned that someone had said the roof of the mausoleum was in bad shape. She assured me that as far as she knows that it's O.K. and that there were going to be inspections this coming year. Hopefully his will be one of them.

If you wish to contact me.would you use the forum. I've got a new computer and do not have e/mail set uo yet

Thank you; Commander Dave

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