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Studebaker Pickup

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I have talked about restoring this truck for a long time.

Here is what I know about it.

Inline 6 Cyl. 3 on the tree. All original (to the best of my knowledge)

It was bought from a friend of the family's. My Dad and Uncle bought it for a parade vehicle to help advertise their construction business. The used it for a few years in the mid to late 90's.

The truck was then brought to Siren WI to sit at the family resort. It was there for the Tornado that tore apart the entire area. The resort was destroyed. Luckily, The truck was parked between the only two brick buildings on the lot. The neighbors roof came off and landed on the two brick buildings, and just barley hit the hood of the truck. The driver side windsheild was also broke in the storm. We thought the truck was a total loss when we first pulled up. There was no longer access to the resort. The trees had blocked any view. When we finally did make it in the truck was under the upside down neighbors roof. As you can imagine pulling the truck out with hardly a scratch on it was a blessing from the car gods.

After that the truck came back with my dad, and I. It has been awaiting restoration since.

We will keep this truck in the family. It is something him and I can share and enjoy together. Hopefully I can pass it on to my son one day.

Here it is as of this last weekend.




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Only got a few moments after work to look the truck over last night. I'm actually suprised on how good of shape it is still in being that it sat outside for over 10 years. There is hardly any rust on it. The brakes are not working at the moment so I will have to look in to that. The clutch still has a strong pedal. Hopefully that is in good shape still.

The tires hold air, but replacements are a must. They are pretty weather checked.

Tonight I am going to check and see if the engine turns. Also get a better look at the interior.

More pictures tomorrow.

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Thanks John,

I was going to ask where would be a good place to look for parts. I'll have to check them out.

The truck is already bought. It is sitting next to my shop now. It really is in good shape. It doesn't even have the typical "Minnesota rust". I'll take some more pictures tonight, and try to get them posted in the morning.

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Dan, the largest Studebaker supplier is Studebaker International. However, with that said there are many good Stude vendors out there. For things other than parts like distributor, carb and rebuild parts I use Dave Tbow (Dave Thibeault 13 Nick Lane Maynard MA 01754 PH: 978-897-3158) I also use John Myers, Welcome

Absolutely the best Studebaker reference site is Bob Johnstone's Studebaker and Avanti Page (Studebaker Vendors)

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Well I got a little bit of time today to go look over the truck. I'm going to need a new driver side windsheild. Of course, I forgot the wrench to try to spin the motor :mad:.

I did get a few more photos of the truck. Forgive the quality. It was getting dark when I got to the truck finally.

The motor seems to be all there. I am going to try to get it running later this week. I spoke with one of the guys who drove it ten years ago. He said it ran like a champ. He also said he drove it to the resort when it got parked. Needless to say it got my hopes up. We will see how much damage time has done since then though.


The interior will need a bit of work.


I know its hard to see but any info on this plate would be a great help. I am also looking for the factory paint code. Thanks in advance for any help.


We also got a picture of my boy sitting on the hood :cool:.


And last, a few of my other projects.



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I don't have much of an update after this weekend. I got the motor to turn just a tiny bit. I'm going to put some oil in the cylinders before I try to crank it very far. The brake pedal is stuck down, but the brakes are free. Ill have to look into that more.

My goal is to be able to drive the truck off the trailer for the car show on August 10th.

I know I have to redo the brakes, drop the oil pan, rebuild the carb, and put new fuel lines on it. Any other suggestions? This truck has been sitting for a quite a few years.

Also the truck has two flat glass panels on the front. I should be able to have one made at about any auto glass place right? Is there anything special I need to know for removing the old glass?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry the update took so long. It's been 3 weeks so it's time.

As some of you know I'm hosting a car show tomorrow. My goal was to get the truck drivable so I could bring it to the show. All of the show planning took up all of my time so not much got done.

I did get the truck cleaned up. I'll post pictures later.

One big step was seeing if the motor turned over. Sure enough IT DOES!;) The clutch is also strong. It looks like I may be able to fix the brakes, give it a tune up, change the oil, and drive it.

Eventually I will take the truck down to the frame.

I will post another update in a day or two with pictures and progress.

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Guest myold88

Nice truck. I'm going to enjoy following your progress.

Re the 2 piece Windshield glass. Glass is so inexpensive why not replace both L & R sides while your at it ?

If you only change one side I bet you will always notice the difference.

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Well this weekend was an adventure! Had my annual Car-B-Q. Got the old truck on the trailer and brought it to the show.


Got her all parked and cleaned up.


Also got the ol' beat up firebird out


I don't know if it was the smell of BBQ or carburation that drew them in, but we got a decent crowd.


All in all a great weekend. Now back to work on the old gal.




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