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Porsches everywhere!!!

Guest dminer

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Guest dminer

I awoke this morning to the usual 7:30a.m. screaming 3 and 6 year olds and found I was low on milk. So I got myself ready and decided it was nice enough to walk to my local 7-11, which is maybe 2 city blocks away. Between there and back, I counted 19 Porsches, of all ages. So I figured something was going on other than the cheerleading shows in Hershey, cause I see that every year, but not tons of Porsches. After breakfast, I loaded up the kids and wife and headed to the museum to see if this was the last day for the exhibit or what. But it's not. I guess the nice weather is bringing out the sports cars and me and the kids LOVE it! This is gearing up to be an awesome car year in Hershey again!!! Makes the terrible winter weather worth while in a way. But I went to the Library to get a new AACA hat and they were closed??? I thought they were open on Saturday? It was only 3:30ish. Hmmm...

I have new photos of the exhibit at the museum I'll post in a bit for those of you that have not had the privilege to go see...it's fantastic stuff! Can't wait to get wrenching on our Corvair again.

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