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Tips on removing a stubborn door handle

Guest Rob J

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Stripping my car all the way down to the shell in prep to go to the media blaster, then paint, body. But, I've hit an unexpected snag. I can't remove one door handle from my deluxe interior car. It is being a stubborn SOB. I've soaked it in PB Blaster, beat on it, pry'd on it, ect.. but it still won't come off. I've got the door completely stripped so the only thing left is the handle, and the door panel. Obviously, there is no way to remove the door panel with the handle in place, short of destroying it.

Do you guys have any tips I may haven't thought of to remove this stubborn thing? If I can't remove it, I may have to cut it off, thus ruining the handle, which I'd like to avoid.

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Guest bigoldv8

Sounds like someone may have put some thread locker or other adhesive in there, unless it's "crusty" from exposure? Once the screw is out they will generally come loose without too much persuasion. Is your outer door skin off? It doesn't give great access to it but with removing the three bolts, pull it back toward you, you might be able to get some penetrant or a mild solvent in to the splines, carefully. Only concern is exposing the door panel and plastic armrest base to the chemical, so stuff some shop towels in there to soak up any drips. Can't think of any thing else to suggest at the moment. The success of that probably depends on which one it is - the front of the two paddles is behind the window mech and harder to get to.

Edit: The only other common trick used for "stuck stuff" is heat, but that's obviously out of the question here because of all the grease and of course the plastic & door panel.

Edited by bigoldv8 (see edit history)
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Yep, door skin is off, window and regulator is out. I've removed the three 3 bolts that holds the rear handle mechanism to the door shell, tugged on it. Used a rubber mallet and a large flat head screw driver to try and tap out the handle from the rear, and no go. Just tried it again this afternoon for a while allowing the PB Blaster to soak overnight, and that thing is seized on there. Looks like I'll have to cut the shaft of the mechanism from the rear to get it out. I'll ruin the mechanism, but I have a couple of them from my parts car, so it shouldn't be a huge deal. As far as the handle, I know they pop new ones now, so no worries there either. I really wanted to not have to do the surgery, but it looks like I have no other option. I sure hope the other door doesn't give me the same trouble. It get's stripped next.

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Hit the paddle with a good size rubber mallet in both directions at its farthest travel. You may need to give it a few good whacks. The idea is to rock it on the grooved shaft to loosen it.

Tom Mooney

Tom, I've been whacking the crap out of it. Will keep trying before I cut it off.

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Guest bigoldv8

do you have an air chisel? if the mallet continues to fail, maybe try wedging the mechanism back toward the outside and see if an air chisel with a "hammer" type bit would force it off. the vibration might shake it loose.

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do you have an air chisel? if the mallet continues to fail, maybe try wedging the mechanism back toward the outside and see if an air chisel with a "hammer" type bit would force it off. the vibration might shake it loose.

Yep, I just bought an air chisel this past weekend at Harbor Freight, and that was actually going to be my next attempt. Getting ready to head into the garage in a moment.

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