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Always enjoy the compliments


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Hi all,

Well, I puled my 99 white diamond pearl into a convenience store lot today, and noticed a lady in an suv staring at me, or so I thought

As I approached the store, she held my gaze and said, "What kind of car IS that?!!"

I told her it was a Buick Riviera, and she said "I really like the lines"

I mentioned it was over 10 years old and the style has stood up well, and she agreed.

When I exited the store, she ws still there and I thnked her for the compliment.

I'm used to getting such comments on the 64, but not the 99...

And this car is shown in the background of one of the Bugle pix of the Branson meet. I was not able to park in the show filed either day Friday/Saturday, don't know why, was registered, was not allowed in.

So the compliment makes up for that....


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