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Woah, 4 days????


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Since a post! Yikes. OK, how about this, I'm taking the red 89 to Fall Fling tomorrow in Van Nuys, CA. I'll bring a camera:) The guy I'm paking next to has an 89 Lebaron GTC that is VERY clean, like way cleaner than my 'real world' TC:o Still, it should make for some nice pics...


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So the Fall Fling is a rain or shine event and since it never rains in SoCal, no problem right? Woke up at 530 this am to a light rain:( 20 miles from home it bbecame a typhoon:mad: and apparantly this is the first time I've driven the red TC in the rain cause she leaks just a bit of waterfrom the corner of the windshield. Into your lap. And on the seat. Both sides:eek:

SO I pul into a gas station to get outta the rain while I formulate a plan, inside I fortify myself with a big coffee and a roll of Aluminum foil. Aluminum header gaskets:D worked like a charm(or at least cut back on 90% of the deluge inside the car:cool: 20 miles later it stopped raining altogeth and was a great day at the show. A little muddy and squishy but mostly sunny.

Even after driving TC's 10+ years I still get amazed how many people have a I-remeber-those-my-______-had-one stories. I think I went thru the history of the TC's 10 times today, I hope I am telling it right;) Check out the K car club that was there too. And look at my buddy Tommy's kissing cousin GTC Lebaron.










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Guest ImperialNorth

Great pictures Alan, I really like the wheel on your car. I do enjoy seeing the TC & Lebarons together, getting a better sense of how unique the TC is.

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Imperial North reference your comments about "how unique the TC is." Did you happen to see the Novermber issue of Motor Trend page 12 where Angus Machenzie in his article Promise Fulfilled made a remark about the TC.

It appears he has a different view about the TC.



Suffolk England

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Guest ImperialNorth

Well my first passion is Imperials and there are more people that dislike them than like them so I am use to the non-owners and their opinions. If we all agreed what a boring world we would live in

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