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Cleaning Upholstery

Guest Oldie & Goodie

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Guest Oldie & Goodie

I had it confirmed this weekend that the upholstery in the roadmaster is most likely original. Outside of a 1" slit in the driver side near the door and some staining it's not in bad shape at all. Wish I knew the complete history of the car to find out who took such good care of it.

Anyway, I would like to try and clean the stains and general tired look of it so are there any recommendations as to what to use? Or is the general concensus to leave it alone.


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Cloth? Year? Foam under or the older material?

There are many products...it will only be original once, so you may want to be careful. If it were me, I'd likely talk to an upholsterer about cleaning and care, just to be on the safe side...or someone else who may know material care.

Good luck.

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Guest Oldie & Goodie

It is cloth material, year is 51'.

The more I think about your comment that "it will only be original once" made me take another look at it and it's really not that bad. I sure wouldn't want to attempt a "clean up" and have it go bad. I'm going to leave it as is.

I've got more issues with my 08' Silverado than my 60 year old baby.

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