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Need early Buick looked at in Ohio


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Hi, I need someone in central Ohio that can look at a 1916 Buick for me. I live 2600 miles away from this car. I believe it to be a decent car being sold by a decent fellow collector, but as I always say about my kids "Trust, but Verify". I can pay for fuel and compensate you for your time. Would love to find someone that knows this era of Buicks, especially wood body frame, wheels and top bows. I have to make a decision by next weekend, Thank you, Michael

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I live in Mt. Vernon which is right in the center of the state, I own and have restored a 41' 76c and 48' 56c, I know very little about this early period of cars but would be glad to take a look, photos, phone call what ever would help.

Kevin Moore

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Guest Buckeyebill

Dayton, Ohio here I am not an expert but if close willing to take a look and take pics etc. Bill 937-435-5210

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Thank you all for your responses. This is truely a great hobby when one needs help or advice old car people always come through . I have a gentlemen set to go look at the car for me that has restored early Buicks. Kevin and Bill thank you for answering my call for help. I appreciate you both for mentioning that your area of expertiece is not in early cars. Truith be told I have next to no experience so it was hard for me to even know what to have checked or looked close at on a early car. I looked at a early car a while back and I thought the car was sound. A friend of mine spotted problem with the wood and told me " The termites are holding hands". Thank you all again, Michael

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I will report in when the car has been looked at. Originaly the owner was going to show us the car with out a clean up. The car has not run for about a year. While I was looking to find someone to look at the car the owner decided to pull it out clean it up and go thru the carb,tank and vacumn tank. So he wanted a few more days before the inspection. All and all I think we will have a better idea of what it needs to become a good tour car. Thank you all, Michael

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