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1937 Dodge Rotten Gas Tank

Guest Greg N

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I'm working to get my fathers old Business Man 2-door coupe back up and running. Got it to fire with gas down the carb, but now after cleaning the carb we'd like to get it to run off the gas tank. After dropping the tank we found the top completely rotted out. Any ideas on how to replace the tank would be much appreciated (not sure where to start). Will probably also need to replace the lines. Not sure yet about the fuel pump, do you know if these can be cleaned, or should it be replaced?


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I know just recently a fellow here replaced the tank in his 35, dont know the company that he bought it from but if you do a search here I know he mentioned it and you might find it, or someone here will chime in with the name. As far as lines it depends how anal you want to get with it, alot of people would not bother but some wouldnt have it any other way. Fuel pump can be rebuilt I am sure.

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Guest PNewman

Hey Greg

Found this posting on a Gas Tank for the Dodge

Pete <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=content vAlign=top><TABLE class=tborder2 id=post220803 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt3 id=td_post_220803>Hi. I have a friend with a 37 Dodge coupe who needed a tank. I found reproduction tanks available. The person I contacted was Dale Greer at Greer Enterprises in Richland WA. He deals primarily in 28-48 Ford parts but has cross overs. His number is 509-627-3411. His hours are I believe 1PM to 9PM. He quoted me $250 for a new one. If you call him tell him Dave Wollam from Madras OR sent ya!

Good Luck!

Dave <!-- google_ad_section_end -->


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