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How to identify car by just driving by.


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I have driven passed a TC a few times. It is usually in the garage, I have only seen it in the driveway one time, but know it is a TC as I have seen the roof sitting outside the garage.

Is there anyway I can tell what year it is, what motor it has in it, just driving by?



I am new to these cars so bear with me.

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There is only one way I know of with any certainty.

First you have to apply the brakes on your car, then make a sharp 90deg right or left hand turn. Next you'll want to come to a full stop.... ( I think you can probably see where this is going... smirk.gif ) Put your car in park, exit the vehicle. Put on your best 'howdy neighbor' face and go knock on the guys door. I have an 89 and a 90 and there really are not any distinguishing differences on the outside, unless it's a 16 valve 89. They should have a fender badge. The steering wheels are different from 89 to 90...but the guy might take exception to you peeking inside his little TC eek.gif And if he's a real TC aficionado, he;ll appreciate some one else recognizing the little gem sitting in his garage laugh.gif

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lol, very good advice. In my limited experience, tc owners a are a great group of people who are happy to talk to the very few who understand and and appreciate these rare gems.

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