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C D Player fix?

Guest wally888

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Guest wally888

Noticed the thread re. Tape Players. My C D Player accepts then immediately rejects a CD? Is there an easy fix?

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Wally: Had same problem, and discovered by accident the remedy. It rejects the CD with an "error" code because the player and/or CD is not warm enough. I put my CD on the car hood in the sun for about five minutes, inserted it and, presto!, played like a champ. The longer it plays, the more it gets back in shape. Try it; it works!<P>Jerry

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Guest wally888

O.K. I'll give it a try however it is 95+*'s here and I only own 1 CD. Yep, true, also have no pager or cell phone.<BR> Think I'll lay it over the Hood Ornament just in case it goes limp and sticks! Then I can call it a Select CD!

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think jerry is right. see page 9a-18 of the manual, chart 12 compact disk . "if cold disk is inserted into a hot player and vice versa. allow up to an hour to evaporaet condensation" tim

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I have found that turning the power off and then after a few seconds back on with CD insterted works. When I got this car in April the CD player wouldn't play or keep a CD. I found a CD cleaner at Office Max and after 4 or 5 rejects of cleaning CD it started playing. smile.gif" border="0

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Guest wally888

Jerry. Was only 90* so I decided to hit some range balls. I laid the CD on the dash and upon return, oven glove on, I inserted CD. Plan B?

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Plan B: Drink one of those exotic, imported beer Easily Distracted keeps talking about.<P>Sorry it didn't work. Came through twice for me. Hope you were using a good CD.<P>Jerry

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