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ABS light on, No Codes Listed


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My yellow light is on again. Intermittently. Goes off when I turn off the car, but seems to return when I turn the car on (not only for 4 seconds like it should). An hour ago, it was off. But I'm willing to bet the next time I start the car, it will stay on again. <P>I did the ABS diagnostic test using the jumpers in slots A & G. I did this while the light was on & nothing showed up. No blinking light what so ever. It just remained lit.<P>What would happen if I disconnected the ABS all together (pulled the fuse)? Am I risking any type of brake failure? <P>I've just searched through 200 past posts regarding ABS issues. I plan on checking the relays, pressure switch, accumulator, brake sensors, etc. But until then, can I yank the fuse???

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Now that the whole world knows you are thinking about disabling your ABS braking system, the lawyers will have a field day on this one if you are ever involved in an auto accident.<P>That's why I never discuss my personal braking situations. <P>Life 101: Cover your behind. Know when to keep quiet.

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Guest EDBS0

Canadian lawyers are kinder and gentle.<P>Besides she is not disabling the Anti-lock...the computer has already done that. The car doesn't have anti-lock when the yellow warning light is on.<P>Only interested in disabling the light. Personally I folded over a gas receipt 4 times and put it in front of the light. This is only a temporary fix until I can implement the high tech fix "black electrical tape" cut to size.<P>Depending on other answers I too just might pull the fuse or if litigious fears take over replace it with a blown fuse. confused.gif" border="0 <P><I>So this thief tried to break into an American school to steal computers. Crawling over the roof at night he fell through a skylight. He was unhurt from the fall. The sudden stop did great damage! He sued and won. Arguing that the school should have had warning signs and rails around the skylight. GO FIGURE </I><p>[ 05-23-2002: Message edited by: Easily Distracted by Shiny Objects ]

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ahm...,no codes listed ,with regards to your ABS light is lit, well, I once had to have one of the relays on the firewall replaced, one feeds the ABS , and the other controls the pump.<BR>However the problem might even be the main accumulator sphere( the black ball)that is located on the master cylinder.<BR>Whilst the ignition is 'ON' but engine not cranked, listen for any pumping noise coming from the master cylinder, you may hear if the pump is 'on', and the motor keeps coming 'on', this could be the system senses that there isn't enough pressure in the system, and this could very well disable the ABS, and setting the ABS light 'on'.<BR>I would if I were you get the system checked , and or just purchase the 2 x relay's that are located side by side and replaced both of them.<BR>when was the pressure sphere(the Black ball) last replaced?<BR>these do go bad after a while, and<P>this is what keeps the pressure in the system.<BR>Again there is the pressure switch, and or the pump itself that may be the culprits, I know I have seen a few cars lately that I was considering buying, had these replaced.<BR>good luck!<P>prakash<P>As ever any advice is offered on a "use at own risk" basis,<BR> this advice is offered without any warranty express or <BR>implied.

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Okay, now the light is gone. I hit a set of railway tracks & it vanished. I also noticed after washing the car (before the tracks incidednt), the light flickered after first starting the car (& after it ran its usual 4 seconds) & stayed on.<P>Comments??

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Hi,<BR> have you tried the 2 x Relay's that are located on the firewall?<BR>unless in your case perhaps one of the wheel sensor's might be intermittent.<BR>there is another thread like this problem on Reatta Discussions group, take a look at that.<BR>good luck!<BR>prakash<BR>(Ontario) Canada.

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Gee - I feel your pain. I have been trying to resolve a similar issue. <P>I would check the reservoir level. From what you describe, perhaps the light comes and goes could be a result of reservoir level changes do too braking. Also the jolt when you hit the RR Tracks could have caused a level change and cleared the alarm. I'm no expert (though I'm getting there with ABS) <P>Please let me know how you make out.<BR>Good luck! <BR>bp

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