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Topic would not load with pictures

Guest LouZ

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I tried to open a new topic with more pictures. Margaret's engine detailing is complete. and I tried to show the driver door with her name on it; ~ But ~ they loaded and then the File Manager locked up ??????? I'll try again later.

I have some of my '91 and more of the lift assemblies.. Lou

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I tried again, I load the pictures. they have been sized to: 1024x768, 1 time as the 4th and another time after the 5th picture file finished loading the "File Manager" blinked like it was renewing the page, but instead of moving to showing the next page, it came up blank, and there I was I didn't have any intelligence only a blank page with a subject heading.. What do I do now ??? *^&%#*%@#*^<!*+%

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