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About FireHound

  • Birthday 05/31/1972

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  1. Sorry everyone for not getting back to you all sooner on this one. I have been slammed with other projects and just came back to this one. The number on the carb is. 6-429 also says Ball&Ball on the side of the float bowl. I was told that the link in question is called the "high Iddle" stepdown. I am not sure how it gets linked to the carb. I have all of it rebuilt but still need to figure out the one link arm and that little step down so that I can get it completed and back on the engine again. I can send pics if you all need. Just let me know on that one. Thank you one and all for all of this! James
  2. Hi all, I am stuck in the middle of a carter 1 barrel rebuild and need alittle help. I come to you all to see what it is that I am missing on this one. I have the body rebuilt but need help on some of the linkage to get it all back in the rigt places. I took some pics of it before the tear down but no I see that they didn't get what I needed. HELP! I need to figure all of this out for a 47 dodge inline 6 Thank you all for your help on this one. Talk to you all later on, James
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