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Rick Anderson

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Everything posted by Rick Anderson

  1. Perhaps I'm using wrong "roof" term altogether. It is the operating metal panel that retracts toward the rear of the car. I am missing the small peice of rubber that goes around the metal panel, leaving a small gap between the panel and the roof of the car.
  2. Need weather stripping for sunroof. Any after market suppliers recommended?
  3. Did not know what a Reatta was until 3 came across the auction block. I run a non-profit vehicle donation center. Bought my 1990 from a car lot. I love it. Of course the dashboard only works when it wants. I process 60-100 vehicles a week with a very good mechanical staff. However, not everyone is going to work on my lady! Any help in the Norfolk, Va. area? By the way, SHE is a pretty blue, excellent inside and out, besides the electrical problems.
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