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  1. From the album: Model T

    Day Two of the Colorado/Wyoming Tour will be from laramie , Wyoming to Saratoga, Wyhoming over Snowy Range Pass. Snowy Range Pass has been voted the number three most scenic byway in the United States.
  2. From the album: Model T

    Day One of the Colorado/Wyoming tour will be Loveland, Colorado to Lariamie, Wyoming. At Laramie we will visit the Wyoming Terriatorial Park. Included in the Park is the Territorial Prison built in 1872. We will be able to visit the inside of the prison. Each of the cells has picture of the former guests such as Butch Cassidy.
  3. I recieved a call this morning to see if speedsters are eligible to attend the Colorado/Wyoming Tour. YES any car 1927 and older can attend the tour. The tour takes place in Northern Colorado and Southern Wyoming. The tour will last for 6 days and be in a different town each night. Two of the routes have been voted number one and number three most scenic byways in the United States. For more information, dates, map, routes, and registration from please click on the URL below. http://clubs.hemmings.com/clubsites/ncmtc/2009Tour.htm
  4. The Colorado/Wyoming Tour #3 will be held on June 13th 09. The tour will take you thrugh the most scenic mountain country in the United States. Please click on the URL below for pictures of the tour, Routes, map and Registration form. The tour is limited to cars 1927 or older. The number of cars is limited to 120. http://clubs.hemmings.com/clubsites/ncmtc/2009Tour.htm For more information please contact robert Ducharme at rducharme@hughes.net
  5. The Registration Form is now available for the 09 Colorado/Wyoming Tour #3. Photos, Itineary, routes and the rgistration are can be viewed on the Web Site for the Northern Model T Club. Please click on the URL below. http://clubs.hemmings.com/clubsites/ncmtc/2009Tour.htm If you have any question please email myself or Robert Ducharme at rducharme@hughes.net.
  6. The Northern Colorado Model T club is hosting a tour of Northern Colorado and Southern Wyoming. The tour will begin on June 12th with a drivers meeting. We will start and end in Loveland, Colorado. We will be visiting the following Towns, Laramie Wy. Saratoga, Wy. Craig Co. Steamboat Springs, Co. Winter Park, Co. and back to Loveland. We will be visiting some of the most scenic areas in the United States. Vehicles will be limeted to 1927 and older. For a copy of the itinerary and updates including pictures please email Dave Huson at modelt1912@msn.com or Robert Ducharme at rducharme@hughes.net
  7. The Colorado/Wyoming Tour #3 will be held on June 13 09 to June 18th 09. There will be a Drivers meeting the night before on June 12 09. The tour is for cars 1927 or older. The tour will be as follows: Day One: Depart from Loveland and travel to Laramie Wyoming. We will spend the afternoon at the Wyoming Territorial Park. We will display our cars inside the Park. We can also ride an original Wyoming stage coach and visit the inside of the Territorial Prison. Day Two: Leave Laramie and travel over Snowy Range Pass to Saratoga. Snowy Range Pass was voted the number three most scenic byway in the U.S. Day three: Leave Saratoga and travel over Battle Pass to Craig Colorado. Batle Pass was the scene of a three day battle between Indians and Trappers. Day Four: Travel from Craig to Steamboat Springs. Ride the Gondala to the top of Mount Wearner. Day Five: Leave Steamboat and travel to Winter Park. There will be a barbeque on the way at Kremmling. Day six: Travel from Winter Park over Trail Ridge to Loveland and the final banquet. Trail Ridge was voted the number one most scenic byway in the U.S. For more information, updates and pictures of the areas please email: Dave Huson at modelt1912@msn.com.
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