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Posts posted by 84_oldsSupreme

  1. ya, it was my father that did the calling yesterday that lead to that discovery. It seemed silly to me that the part would be sold seperately. He said he called quite a few places and that was the story. So, I'm kind of at a loss as what to do next. I'm sure I could acquire the base from a wrecker because if another olds had its emblem taken once, the base might be left. Problem there is, most wreckers have the absolute worst customer service I've ever experienced and couldnt be bothered to check their inventory or, especially, their lot. Either you find it yourself and say "how much" or don't bother them, which is kind of impossible when your calling from out of town (tried local wreckers). Anyway...thats the situation.

  2. UPDATE: Well, I have found the ornament but not the complete assembly. It seems that the part does not come with the crome strip/holder that the ornament fits into. The picture in my original post displays what I'm talking about (complete assembly). In fact, most dealers we spoke with have no idea what the part #/name is for that thing (if they were even nice enough to check their inventory to see if it was included). See, the thief (sob) ripped off the ornament and most of the crome strip. Damn.

    Anyone know what that part is called/#? Ideas? I can order juat an ornament, with the spring, for a decent price ($41) but I need the whole deal to fix my ride. If I had the correct description it would really help.

    Man, if this is what I have to put up with to replace a part for an '84...I can only imagine what collectors of much older models have to endure. People who steal so calously have only my contempt.

    And...again...I'm very greatful to the people who have helped me on this forum. I'll be in your dept.

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