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Posts posted by Samb2

  1. Can you specify a little bit:

    "unexpectedly stalls while rolling through either a right or left turn"

    Is it in all turns?

    Is it hapening only in a turn?

    What speed ?

    What kind of curve - wide?

    Reason why im asking is that there may be a nice idea from your answears.

  2. If the points are destroyed like you said, theres only two reason:

    1. The voltage/current is to high over the points. Take off the plus cable to the coil. Insert an amperemeter. take off the distributor cable (to the coil) and turn the engine. I dont know what it should be on a 6V system but on a 12V about 6-9Ampere. About the same i think. Put the distributor cable back and start. For a 12V it will be around 4-4.5A. The coil must however be about 1,5ohm on the primary coil. You should have two resistors - i think. One for taking down to 6V and another for decreadsing the voltage when driving.

    2. Condenser. Should be 0.25-0.35microfarad for 6V. If you have wrong/bad condenser the points will be eaten - if the condenser is dead the car is impossible to run (can be started).

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