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Charlie B.

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Everything posted by Charlie B.

  1. This is Charlie again, I can't find the plastic nuts for the up stop on my lites I've been to every auto parts store in my area, they all say they are N/A. Any body got a couple they are willing to sell? Charlie B.
  2. Charlie B.

    J J

    <span style="font-weight: bold">Jerry, please come back, We need a person with integrity</span>
  3. After reading EDBSO's post and checking out Barney's headlite repair procedure, I took the H/L's apart. The psgr side motor is obviously new but the left (Drvr) side is old and ugly like me. When disassembled, I found the plastic rollers were ground down to powder and rock salt appearance. So I called Ecklers 1-800-327-4868 and after being on hold for about 20 minutes, I ordered two sets at $4.99 ea. They were very nice and told me they should be here in about 4 days. In order to be able to drive it till then I did put 3 - 10mm nuts in the gear. I don't think it will hurt them if only used for three or four nites. BTW, Barneys' write up on this repair is excellent. Charlie B.
  4. <span style="font-weight: bold">Robert</span> Thank you for the post. As always, you are a great help. <span style="font-weight: bold">I could'nt have done it without you.</span> And of course thanks to <span style="font-weight: bold">Barney</span> for the complete and detailed repair. Charlie B.
  5. My newly aquired 90 coupe had headlites that would not open or close The lights were in the up position when I got it. When I got into them I found that some one had disconnected the wiring to both motors. The passenger side has what appears to be a new motor. I hooked them up and now they both operate properly except that the driver side motor runs for 4 or 5 seconds after the light is up, or down. Do I have a problem or should I live with it? BTW, where can I get a headliner for this beauty, the one in it has more sags than I do. Charlie B.
  6. <span style="font-weight: bold">EDBSO</span> I have come up with storage for all my cars, But I just sold the Lexus to a friend for a little more than you offered. Replaced it with a 96 Explorer. (In case it snows this winter)Now if I can edit my car list I willshow the newest Reatta and the Explorer. <span style="font-weight: bold">Broliar</span>Thanks for the offer, I just don't feel like driving ine of them to Alabama for storage. I will be storing it in a friends extra garage for the winter. But you are welcome to come to Ct. and take it for a ride. (On a nice day. Regards to both of you. Charlie
  7. Wednesday is the only day I work. If you call going to a very big Auto auction work. As a Matter of facy I saw a 90 Reatta Coupe (Grey,Grey Black) at the auction today. Guess what? <span style="font-weight: bold">I bought the darn thing</span> It needs a little help like head liner and carpeting on the rear storage compartments, and the headlites don't go up. Other than that it looks pretty good. 123k miles. It seems to have more power than my two Converts. Maybe I will be working on Wednesdays for a while. Tomorrow I will get into the headlites. Charlie B.
  8. [color:\\"blue\\"] Please note the original senders name, it is <span style="font-weight: bold">DUDU</span> And that is what this is <span style="font-weight: bold">DuDu</span>
  9. Curtis; I can't remember exactly what I did . I do know that I did not go anywhere near the signal lite switch. Just stayed at the rear of the car and did all the splices there. Only my tail lites sequence. If I were you I would follow G.M. Ross suggestions. Good luck. They really are nice. Charlie B.
  10. Curtis, I can't find your previous post, I did have some help in installing the sequential lites, G.M. Ross also has them and he did it recently, Maybe he can help. Charlie B.
  11. I think we should all write to Peter G. to see if EDBSO can be a "Senior" senior member, along with Barney, Padgett,Broliar, G.M.Ross and a few more of these guys who are such great help to us. I know that I have saved quite a few $$ on the basis of their Info. Also saved a lot of hours following their advice on my Reatta projects. God Bless Them. Charlie B.
  12. EDBSO I think you should change your name to "MCO" which would mean Master Computer Operator. Charlie B.
  13. G.M. Ross I think that Karlton means "And the five Speed" that would go along with "Vindshield spritzen mit Gevipen" I really like the sequential lites. Did you have any problems? And yes I would like to do the grille work on the lites. I have looked around and can't find suitable chrome work. If you can, I would really appreciate the parts. When are you coming "Up north" and where will you be. I drove about 400 miles to meet EDBSO at an auto show in Vermont. That was the first long ride in my "Texas vert" That trip made me like it more then ever. They are great little cars. As far as the spoiler is concerned, I will do it in the next couple of weeks. It is really a two man job to get it aligned. The part I like is - no hole in the spoiler for the antenna. If When I have it installed I will post a photo for all to enjoy.
  14. G.M. That is absolutely beautiful. Makes me wish mine were blue, but I will stick with burgandy , I have two sets of burgandy seats, one set with suede and and 16 way, the other just regular burgandy leather six way. My other "Vert" has grey interior. They are both white. I did install sequential tail lights on the white burgandy vert and am about to install a spoiler on it. I won the spoiler on e-bay. It was supposed to be an exact factory replica fo a 93 Lexus 400 SC. Was getting it for a friend but it wasn't any where near the original on my Lexus. But found that it is a perfect fit on the Reatta. No alterations at all. Charlie B.
  15. The person that posted this is not a very nice person. <span style="font-weight: bold">May the fleas of a thousand camels infest his crotch</span> [color:\\"orange\\"] Charlie B.
  16. I agree 100 o/o with Broliar. Be nice, but ignore the wise guys. We have a very nice thing here, let's not [color:"red"] muck it up Charlie B.
  17. Barney; I have two white 90 Convertibles, Neither one has any black on the dash. The burgandy interior is burgandy all the way to ther windshield and the light grey interior is the same all the way. I think they are both fairly late in the production line up. Charlie B.
  18. I found a spoiler off a 93 Lexus SC400, It will fit the deck lid with minimal alteration. And you won't have to drill a hole in it for thr antenna. Charlie
  19. Charlie B.

    FREON R12

    To Anonymous; Big spender, won't pay shipping charges, But I will sell it to you for $100.00 . The $1.89 price is only for registered posters. Charlie
  20. Charlie B.

    Take a poll?

    90 white conv burgandy, white 121k miles still has original pump. 90 white conv grey,black. 72k miles still has original pump. Charlie B.
  21. Charlie B.

    FREON R12

    No shipping charges, just come pick it up.
  22. Charlie B.

    FREON R12

    I have one can left. You can have it for the price marked on the can, if memory serves me right it is $1.89. And I don't need your license number. Charl ie
  23. Howard, Thanks, I needed that. Charlie
  24. The spoiler looks great (I think) I just wish I could see it. Don't know if I'll go for a spoiler but I am going to try the grille work on the running lights. Charlie
  25. I noticed the nice little grille work on the fog lites. Loved it. WANT SOME. Tell us where and how much. Or did you make them yourself with the help of a rechromer? Charlie
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