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Charlie B.

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Everything posted by Charlie B.

  1. <span style="font-weight: bold">OK</span>. what % amonia? Is it 50/50?
  2. I bought a 90 Cpe with 123K last week for $1100, Runs great, good tires . Needs a headliner. The headlites were sloppy so I bought 2 roller kits and now they work fine. Oh yeah, had to polish the tailite lens. Now I have a nice looking (shiny) car that needs a headliner, (and that is all it needs.) Charlie.B
  3. <span style="font-weight: bold">And the same to you. Charlie B.</span>
  4. I would love to come but American Airlines won't let me take my Reatta as carry-on luggage(It won't fit under the seat.)
  5. Charlie B.


    <span style="font-weight: bold">A special prayer from me and all eight of my children for Donald on this Thanksgiving day, may the good Lord watch over him and keep him safe.</span> Charlie B.
  6. Greg Ross came to Ct. last nite, we enjoyed a meal at a local Restaurant,with a small amount of libation. My only problem is that he left at about 7:00 am this morning and I did not get to take any photos of "Betsy Blue". It is a very nice car. I just don't know how he could have driven it so far and kept it so clean. He figured he had about another 12 hours of driving to get home. He really is a <span style="font-weight: bold">nice guy</span> and I am Jealous of his Reatta. I will have to start looking for a 5 speed transmission for one of my babys' and then spend hours getting info from Greg and Paddget, who is a computer whiz and did the reprogramming on Betsy Blue. He's enjoying the ride. Charlie B.
  7. Greg here, Made it to New England safely and had a pleasant evening with Charlie B. And accommodations at Charlies' as well, EBSO now you know where you can stay if you ever make it to Conn. Betsy Blue Canada bound.
  8. Greg Ross called me about 4 o'clock this afternoon, He was in Scranton, Pennsylvania getting on to rte l-84 heading toward Ct. He said the car was running perfectly with the new engine and 5 speed. We had a lot of snow last night but the roads are all clear now, so he doesn't have to worry about that. As they used to say, GODSPEED, G.M. Charlie B.
  9. I think the top looks OK, it's just not a reatta look. But I may try something like that on my Grey Cpe. I want to get rid of the ugly after market (leaky) sunroof. BTW, I hate his wheels. Charlie
  10. I think I'll take mine to an upholstery shop and have them cover the one I have. It has a tear ine the cloth. I think $40.00 should do it.
  11. I too need a driver side grey sunvisor, How much do they want for one? Charlie B.
  12. I've been looking at the Allantes' on E-Bay. Boy they look good. I'm really tempted. But a couple of my mechanical and body shop friends tell me they are problem ridden. Any one have any experience or knowledge on these great looking cars??? I trust the judddgement of you regulars on the forum. Charlie.B
  13. G.M. Ross said he may stop here in Ct. on his way to Canada. If he does I will take a bunch of pictures of <span style="font-weight: bold">Betsy Blue</span> [color:"red"] and post them for all to see. Charlie B.
  14. <span style="font-weight: bold"> WELCOME</span> You will find this to be the best forum in the world. [color:\\"red\\"] [color:\\"red\\"] [color:\\"red\\"]
  15. Thank you Rawja, I will dig into that this afternoon. BTW, I lived in Brooklyn many years ago, And they called me Chawlie. Charlie >b
  16. The shift indicator light is not working on my 90 Cpe. Does the 90 have the same inverter as the 88? From what I can see, It looks like a bulb connecter is hanging loose with no bulb in it. And I can't find where the bulb goes without removing the entire console. If it's not a bulb, I will have to go to Jim Webb Reatta parts Charlie
  17. I forgot---- Thank god for Padget.
  18. [color:\\"blue\\"] congratulations; I'm sure you are thrilled with the results of this extreeemely ambitious endeavor. Makes me want to tear one of mine apart and put a "Northstar" in it. You wanna help? It would be a [censored] of a commute for you, but not for [color:\\"blue\\"] BETSY BLUE. The best of luck, and have a happy safe trip. Charlie
  19. When <span style="font-weight: bold">"BETSY BLUE"</span> comes to Ct. next week, you will have to wash it after I drool all over it. Charlie B.
  20. With the hood open, you can see the motors for each lamp, Just turn the knob on the motor as indicated by the arrow, and the lamp will rise, (turning it in the opposite direction makes the lamp go down.) While the lamp is in the up position , remove the black bezel(4 torx screws), You will have to move the lamp up and down By turning the knob to get the bezel out. Once that is out of the way, you will be able to reach the 3 park lite bulbs, the outer bulb is a little diiifcult to reach,you take the H/L cover off (4 - 10mm bolts) and then you can reach the bulb #890, I have fairly large hands, but, if I can do it, any one can. Good luck. Charlie B. P.S. The whole operation is much easier if you remove the head lite assy, it takes a little longer but leaves all the skin on your hands and arms.
  21. <span style="font-weight: bold">Robert</span> I find that I have two leakers, One is the Conv. I got in Texas, ( the one you saw), And the other is the coupe with an aftermarket moonroof, I don't see any hoses or holes in the channel. Charlie
  22. Just did mine yesterday, If you remove the black headlite bezel (4 Torx screws) and then lower the lite assy manually, (not all the way down) you can reach in and twist the bulb holders out. You may as well change all of them while you are in there. Oh yeah, you will have to move the lite up and down to get the bezel off with out beating it up.
  23. We had some serious rain here in Ct. over the week end and I found a lot of water on the drivers side floor. I had not been driving it, it seems to be a cowl leak, any one have any ideas on where to start looking and how to stop the leak. Charlie B.
  24. Great photos, But your garage looks too neat for me. And the interior work looks like a big job. Can I still expect to see "Blue" in Ct this Friday? It sure looks like a lot of work, but, I'm sure it will be worth it when you are done. Charlie B.
  25. Wally, Thanks for steering me to Dave Buchanans' post . I think that will work, it may possibly be stronger than the original set up. I'm gonna try it. And then tell the world how good it is. (I hope) Charlie
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