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Charlie B.

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Everything posted by Charlie B.

  1. This will be my 25th post since we went to the new system. Accordingly, I will be a Senior member after this. It doesn't seem fair that I should be put in the same class as Barney,Padgett, Howard, EDBSO, and more like them that have really earned the title. BUT I STILL LIKE IT. This is the third time I've become a senior, Once was just over 50 yrs ago when my first son was born, He now has 5 brothers and 2 sisters, My wife was a hard working girl. An Irish Catholic girl, thats why there are so many kids. She died in Oct. 95. Boy do I miss her. She would kill me if she knew that I'm spending the money she saved on Reattas, and a couple of other cars. Charlie
  2. RRR The waynI was using IE I meant "for example". I'm Glad to hear that Padgett is a nice person. I kinda thought he was any way. He sure is helpful and spends a lot of keyboard time trying to help dummies like me. Barney E. is great too,- - - - All the regular(senior guys) are great. They have helped me numerous times with my Reatta problems. Cahrlie.B
  3. I have two 90 "Verts" neither one has any escutcheons, Am I missing some thing
  4. I have been trying to figure out some of the things you initialize . such as BTW for "by the way". I'm sure some one must have posted a list of the meanings for these abbreviations. At least I hope so. It would seem that some one like "EDBSO" or Padget would have been the culprit. "IE" What does "bump" mean. I have tried to figure it out but it eludes me .(what with me being a dirty old man it could mean almost anythiing) Charlie
  5. What do they call a 1/4 pounder in France? I would assume "Quarter pounder" or maybe "Hamburger" BTW, thanks for your help! Charlie B.
  6. I was happy to see that Red Reatta Russ straightened out the proper spelling of "Escutcheon" Apparently GM figured it out by 1990, My 90 "Verts" do not have them, the strap just slides into the panel. Charlie B.
  7. Hi. I bought a window lift motor on e-bay about two months ago . It cost less than $50.00 including shipping. Not a big deal to install, just pay attention when taking it apart so you will remember where every thing goes. Before doing all that, try spraying silicone on the channels and light grease on the tracks. Charlie B.
  8. I have ordered the sequential signal lite set up from webeproducts@adelphia.net I will install it as soon as it gets here. I have seen the instructions and they seem to be complete and in good detail. You can see the instructions on their website. Wish me luck. Charile B.
  9. Does anyone know if a CD player out of a 95 Riviera will fit in my 90 Conv. without changing the appearance? Charlie B.
  10. OOPS!!! I forgot to log in. Didn't click on the remember me button. Charlie B.
  11. Howard it is now about 5 minutes into 9-11-02. (your time in Tx) I have been watching TV tonite and saw all the horror again. I sit here tonight with much sorrow (and much anger). I will never forget. I join you in a salute to all the heroes of 9-11 - all 3000 of them. I would hope that all the Reatta members feel the same way. Charlie Baumann
  12. Heeyyy, Thanks every body. I found it per Vincent Vegas post. Btw, the correct heading should have been "Sequential turn signals" Also found a bunch of posts from you folks and it appears that a lot of you like the idea. Thanks a million Charlie
  13. I agree with Nic, I was an auto Ins adjuster for 40 years and saw this happen many times, Before you retain legal help, try getting to supervision in the Ins. co. You might get lucky and find a reasonable person, (I always tried to be fair in situations like this), if you can't get satisfaction that way, then go to a lawyer. If the car was hit hard enough to total it, there must have been some bodily injury. (HINT) Charlie B.
  14. J.J. I tried search, couldn't find anything. I typed in sequential tail lites, Am I doing something wrong? Charlie
  15. Has any one tried the sequential lites that were on Ebay a while back. Years ago I had a Mercury Cougar that had them and I thought they were great. The tail lite set up on the Reatta would adapt to this nicely. But, would it offend the Reatta lovers? Charlie
  16. Thank you PeterG and fly by nite. I'll have to post more often, I really enjoy this forum and all the help I have had with some Reatta problems. All the guys are the greatest. Charlie
  17. I tried to e-mail Barney the other day by clicking on the e-mail address in his profile, it did not work. What is "remove me first" ?? I checked my own profile and found it there too. So I finally figured out how to reach Barney by e-mail. How do you get to be a "Senior Memmber/ I'm certainly old enough to be senior to most of the people who are still able to drive. By the way, Barney is very quick to answer, he wrote back to me within minutes. He's an asset to the Reatta forum.
  18. Sometimes the ignition bezel (Where you put the key in) gets loose. Try putting the key in and then pull out on the bezel' not on the key, then turn the key. This happens to my Reatta a lot. No problem, just patience. If this doesn't work then try the method in the previous post. Charlie
  19. The door ajar lite stays on on my 90 Convert.Also when the ignition is turned off, the radio goes off and the windows will not operate, just as if the door is open. The interior lites do come on when either door is opened. I have noticed that the key hole lite comes on in the passenger door but not on the drivers door. I saw in a post that these are fiber optics with a bulb built into the wire harness. Can this be repaired and if so, what kind of bulb is to be used. Charlie
  20. Charlie B.


    I bought 16 way burgandy seats from J. Finn, Cost $200 plus shipping. You can have them for what I paid, You pay for shipping. I Cleaned them up so they look good,They have the suede panels. You can e-mail me at ctbfo8@aol.com if you are interested.
  21. Thank you to Barney Eaton for the detailed instructions with excellent diagrams for headlite repair. And thanks to EDBSO for pointing me in the right direction. Charlie B
  22. EDBSO Thank you for the reply. I will order the kit. I hope instructions come with the kit. You are so right about replacing the park lite bulbs, I did mine while I had the H/L assy out, it was a snap. And as you said, "All the same color" It was so easy I did the other side too. Thanks a million
  23. Hi Guys, I can't get the Psgr side head lite to come up high enough, it shines on the road about ten ft in front of the car on high beam. I have the adjustment all the way in at the top, and about 1/8 inch of play at the stop bolt head. Any suggestions wil be appreciated.
  24. Has any one tried the crystal euro headlites that are always on Ebay? <BR>I've also been thinking about the sequential tail lites. Or do you folks think I would be <BR>Mickey mousing my beautiful 90 Vert.
  25. Hi every body, I finally got registered in the Reatta forum, Thanks to Peter at the home office. <BR>I'm Happy to be inthe "club" with all you nice people. <BR>Charlie
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