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  1. Just to wrap this up. I was able to make some adjustments on the rear brakes and that seems to have stopped the heating and binding issue. I did notice a bit of weeping on one of the wheel cylinders so I'll be replacing that shortly. Thanks to all who provided some feedback.
  2. I bled the whole system with DOT4 fluid since it was completely empty after replacing the lines. If I've buggered this up with DOT4 what would you recommend I use after rebuilding everything?
  3. The old lines were a bit soft it seemed. It's entirely possible they were the original lines so I wasn't really shocked by that. The fluid I bled out seemed to be clean but who knows. I don't think it would be the worst thing in the world to rebuild/replace the wheel cylinders but I'll try adjusting things first. Thank you
  4. Hey Ben! I haven't done any repairs to the exhaust recently but I did notice that there is a small hole in the muffler while I was underneath replacing the flexible lines. Didn't seem to be near enough to the rear brake lines when I noticed it but to be honest I wasn't looking very critically at it. I'll put a better eye on it when I get under it this weekend. Thank you!
  5. Pedal adjustment is fine but the anchor pin and parking brake are a good suggestion. Thank you
  6. That's an interesting possibility but I don't think it would be the same thing since I don't need to crack the master or drain any fluid. After letting the car sit for a bit things cool off and then it's fine for a short drive. I'm leaning toward things being out of adjustment. It's certainly something to look at for sure. Probably not a bad idea to give the master a rebuild anyway. My father had this car for almost 40 years before it passed down to me and I'm not sure the brakes have ever really been gone through. Thank you
  7. It feels like just the rear which made me think it was the flexible like that fed them. I'm going to try adjusting them a bit and see if that helps. Thank you!
  8. Good Morning! I'm having an issue with the brakes gradually locking as I drive and they get hot. Someone suggested that it may be the flexible lines degrading over time so I've replaced those and completely drained, refilled and bled the lines all the way around. This car is 4 wheel drums and it has the original manual master cylinder. I'm thinking my next step is to replace the wheel cylinders and the master cylinder with a modern unit with separate front/rear reservoirs. Has anyone experience this and what should my next course of action be? Also, does anyone have a recommendation for sourcing the parts for this? Thank you
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