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  1. A friend of my has a 1965 Super Wildcat 4speed/ 360hp. it’s red with black interior and it has 67k miles ( undocumented) 1964 Super Wildcat is white with white interior which I personally like better then 1965 SWC color combo, however, my dilemma is that both cars are similarly priced and I wish a had the money to buy both of them😏 Asking other people what they think may help me with my decision making. By the way, I did none stop research for the last 3 days regarding 64-66 Super Wildcats and that’s not my issue. Technical data is not what I’m looking for. I’m looking for the feedback from people who had those 2 models. To me, that’s more valuable then spec sheets and 0-60 timing( sorry, no offense) Once again, HUGE Thank You to everyone who took their time and wrote a comment ! I sincerely appreciate it !!!
  2. Hi everyone 👋 I need some help to make an intelligent decision. An opportunity has come forward to buy 1964 Super Wildcat 2dr Coupe with 4 speed/ 360hp. it’s a condition 2 car, numbers matching with 13k original miles on it ( I know, wow ) Question: what is the current value for a car like this ? Also, side question: if you had a choice, would a 1965 Wildcat, 4speed/360hp be a better purchase w/s 1964 ? What in your opinion are the +’s and -‘s between the two cars ? Thank you very much to everyone in advance for your comments !! Oleg
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