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Everything posted by alejandro

  1. Hello, my name is Alejandro Ramírez, creator of an online agency for classic car tours in Cuba and owner of a 1954 classic buick, we met a group of drivers and owners of classic cars in Havana to create this project, many of our cars an been erected from our families from generation to generation preserving all its splendor with 90 percent of its original pieces others were resuscitated by their owners since many were abandoned in garages or chicken coops in a great state of decomposition the invention of us Cubans is immense we have managed to recover more than 50 cars of different American brands such as plitmout ford chevrolet cadillac oldsmobile buick studebake mercury dodge and many other brands such as european we have in our staff mercedes benz from the year 1952 a jewel of a car and vw from 1950. with a lot of effort due to the blockade of both our government since it allows us to create private tourism agencies I am an engineer Naval river and I like technology so I dedicated myself to looking for information online on how to create an online agency to evade the government blockade, we have specialized guides in several languages where we offer our clients private tours and excursions in classic cars. In https://cubaclassicstar.com/ we will love to show our customers our classic cars and show them our city
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