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Everything posted by 1932V8

  1. Hello all, I have a few questions about the Bosch Magneto on my Buick. I believe it's a ZU4 but that is only going by pictures. The engine has no spark so I am trouble shooting the issue. I came up with both sides of the points are grounded when the point are open. Just an fyi the wire to the key is disconnected. I can see that the fixed side of the points is supposed to be isolated from ground. I have found that the center bolt that holds the fixed point side is what is going to ground. There is no insulation on it so it is obvious that when it gets screwed into the mag housing it is grounded. I was wondering if the tapered part of the bolt is supposed to have some sort of insulation? Or am I missing something else ? Here are a couple of pics of the points and parts. I have circled the tapered part of the bolt in one picture that I am questioning. Thank you for any help.
  2. Hey Marty. I am in Northern CA. 1 hr North of San Francisco in a town called Windsor. At this point the car has no spark. It has a Bosch magneto. I have pulled apart the point end of it and will clean it and check the points and the gap... then I will go from there and see what I have 👍
  3. Thank you Larry. I went over to BB@Brass Buicks and joined. I will start asking questions soon. Do you think that BB site is the better place for questions? Thank you
  4. Thank you Larry Schramm. I posted first in this introduction forum.. then I thought I made a mistake and I should have just introduced myself here and then made a post in the Pre War forum, so I did.. I apologize for the confusion. I will make sure I only post my questions one time and in the correct forum which I believe is the Pre War forum.. Thank you
  5. Hello all... I am looking for any help on this Buick. It is new to me and I know nothing about it. I am familiar with Model T Fords and 32-40 Fords. I am also fairly mechanical . I have been told this is either a model 28 or 30. I have no definitive answer yet. I also haven't started it yet. It was running a few months back. Any help on the total loss oil system and any other tips would be great. Thanks
  6. Hello all. Here are pictures of the car. It does have a 108" WB and it does have the 201ci engine from I have seen. Here are pics so maybe I can get some more help. Thank you
  7. Hello all. My name is Mike. I just joined this forum. I have been a car guy my whole life (52yo) My focus is early Fords, 32 - 40 being my target years. I have a few old Ford's ranging from completely stock to 50's Hot Rod. My wife and I enjoy the cars and travel in an old car whenever possible. I recently bought a 1912 Buick Model ? 28 or 30. I have ask a few others and strangely enough I haven't recieved a definitive answer. The previous owner unfortunately passed away so the car information went with him. The car is amazing to me and I am looking forward to enjoying it. I need a fair amount of help as I know nothing about the car but I certainly look forward to learning.
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