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Braedyn Kelley

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  1. I found a picture of a That higher angle of the curved dashboard could be the result of lens compression. The brick street in the background is now called Michigan Ave., and it was a very wide street even back then, based upon other historic photographs I've found. However, in the photo, it looks like a narrow neighborhood street. I'm the furthest things from a car expert, but the evidence leads me to believe that the car is a Bour-Davis. Factor out the high angle of the curved dash, and everything else seems to line up.
  2. I don't know if it will help or not, but I found another image of what I think is the same car (Moon, Rolls Royce, or Roamer). Maybe there is clue in this shot. I also zoomed in on the hood ornament in the picture I first posted. Any help?
  3. Here are some other automobiles from my family photo albums. Photos one and two are the same vehicle, three and four are the same (1923 license plate), and the fifth is another vehicle (1926 license plate but date at 1928 due to age of my uncle in the photo). Thank you!
  4. Here are two other vintage cars in my family photo albums. The first two images are one car, and the second two images are the other. The license plate in the past photo shows "23," as in 1923.
  5. Hi, I am going through some of my old family photos, and I came across two interesting vintage cars that were photographed c. 1920 in Jackson, Michigan. Of note is that the house in the background on the first three images is immediately across the street from the old Jackson Automobile Company plant on what is now East Michigan Ave. (East Main St. back then). The first three photos are of one car, and the fourth photos is of the second. Any help is most appreciated.
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