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  1. They removed it unfortunately but hey found something. But what get me is my number is 701 and everything shows 702
  2. Nm i see that they have an application list with all part numbers....but cant find it
  3. The roll stamp is the number 7016198 correct? It like a part number in a circle? Also it doesnt explain how to decode that number. Im a pontiac guy and i would like to be able to differentiate between a basic 2 barrel and one for a tri power
  4. Have more bbc and sbc stuff if you wish to view them you can do so here http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub=5575378759&campid=5338273189&customid=&icep_item=264474073995&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229466&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg&toolid=11111
  5. I have multiples of these cams. Also have some used if youd prefer to go that route. But nothing beats a true unused fresh gm grind 427 454 gm 3863143 427 1968-69 l-88 8911 64-65 vette 67-69 camaro 302 327 3849347 283 57-63 vette gm 3736097/8 DUNTOV NOS ×2 1970-72 1964-65. 327-350 Vette and camaro 38493461 3972198 I have a few more and then a lot of used ones
  6. And if anyone knows of a good website with decoding information thatd be even great. Thanks
  7. One is a 2gc pontiac i think numbers are 7016198 any help identifying what these went to or whatever would be nice Second is a chevrolet 2gv 7040136 well i think its a 2gv i have the slightest idea to be honest
  8. Hi, I have some Jahns pistons and Ford rods I need identified. And what are these black things, do they go to spark plugs or tires??? Jahns 581 And rods are T487B
  9. Whats the printing block used for? Aside from the obvious
  10. I agree and would much rather do it business outside of ebay. But i have 200 parts listed and its hard to transfer picture so lol maybe use it as a catalog and everything purchased on here is way cheaper than itd be on ebay....because fees and all
  11. I saybits a stamp considering its backwards. Also whats this bezel? Thanks guys
  12. Yeah 30 lol thankfully got to enjoy life for awhile without technology and social media. But always had 60s 70s cars so this is all really new to me
  13. I know. Seems like every week im selling stuff i learn more and more about the history of the American automobile...and some non-american. I find it interesting how its changed over the years. From gas headlamps to 6 volt to 12 and from vacuum controlled motors ect to what it is now...lol strange how much of a sudden change we had after that supposed Roswell crash
  14. I feel like they go to a speedometer but then again and anyone know what this pulley is to i want to 1939 era
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