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Posts posted by Rollin-360

  1. Here it is, Supposed to have 31k original miles. It’s pretty clean, I am the 3rd owner and am happy to update all that is needed hear, I’ve wanted a wagon my whole life. Thought it was always gonna be a Chevy. I’m so excited about this Buick thing. I love it


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  2. Thank all of you for the help and info. I want to rebuild or get new cylinders and hoses up front for now, And check this out, I noticed one of the bolts holding the left shock is gone, I’m glad I found this. Car is actually in nice original condition, I’m excited to be the 3rd owner. 

    Mince again I appreciate the knowledge 


  3. Hello everyone, I’m Tony and I live in Olympia WA, About a month ago I finally obtained a wagon in my life, Grew up in California and always wanted one😎 I have not had any other classic cars ever, My time has come. This wagon supposedly has the original 31k miles and it’s really clean and pretty. I look forward to the endeavors ahead, I hope!

    So first off, where is the best place to ask a question about my generator in this wagon.

    thank you






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  4. Thank you for the knowledge of the 4 x 4 1/2,

    So I was set to head out for new wheels today, Although last night after  20 mile cruise, Pretty sure the bearings seized in the generator, Screachy noise for about 5 minutes then solid squeal and the gen light came on. Already have new regulator in car. 

    I’m at work till this afternoon then I was planning on removing the generator and having rebuilt here in town. 


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