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  1. I think Spinneyhill guessed correctly and the tires are probably covered in mud. I can see the dog bone part of the radiator cap but I was unsure about the other parts. It looks like in addition to the dog bone there is a propeller ornament and then something behind that like possibly a motometer. So the assemblage of the parts shown below.
  2. Thanks for the confirmation and additional details. Do you know if those are standard radiator cap ornaments and what the ornament is even supposed to be?
  3. The date of the photo is 1929. My guess is that the taxis are 1926 or 1927 Cadillacs but I am not certain at all.
  4. I thought it might be a Custom Four Door Sedan, but I wasn't sure.
  5. Thanks, for the insight. My only resource is what I can find on the internet and your knowledge, along with the other people who have responded to this post, is greatly appreciated. I gather now that given the car is possibly non standard there is probably not enough information in the photo to positively identify it. I did find a photo of what is identified as a 1925 Studebaker ER Standard Six that is close but like all the others I have found is not exactly like the unidentified car. Also, I could not find other photos that verified that this was a 1925 Studebaker ER Standard Six.
  6. I looked for a Pontiac/Oakland with an oval rear window and an oval opera window but couldn't find any. It looked like they had oval opera windows in '26 but by '28 they had changed to D shaped rear quarter windows. Also during this time it looked like the rear window was rectangular. Best I could tell the rear windows weren't oval again until 1929 and I couldn't find any landau models with opera windows. Did the '28 Oakland you look at have an oval rear window? If it did then I guess it could be an Oakland with an aftermarket bumper.
  7. The rear bumper definitely looks like a Lincoln front bumper but I couldn't find any Lincolns with the visible features shown in the photo. I also thought about a 1924 Elcar 6-60 but I couldn't find any photos that show the rear bumper and it doesn't look like it has an oval rear window anyway.
  8. Looks like it has an oval rear window, opera windows, landau bars, and suicide doors. Photo was probably taken in the early 30s.
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