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Posts posted by CMayden

  1. I have two L8 engines that I am trying to identify and any help would be appreciated.  I am trying to find a water pump for engine 1, and the water pump from Engine 2 will not fit on engine 1. Engine 2 was in my 1935 coupe, and I am trying to put engine 1 in it.


    Engine 1 has P8WH-86643 stamped on the driver front pad and 8H216691X on the driver rear pad. It also has 514246 and 6191 (or 1619 if read upside down) are cast into the block. I thought this was a 1953 engine based on previous research, but I have a high compression head (514370) on it and my parts book does not list that part number for any Pontiac 8.


    Engine 2 has K8PB11044 on the driver front pad and 8-65839 on the driver rear pad. I thought this one was a 1948, but the head (512121) and water pump (509114) that are on this engine are not listed in my parts book for any Pontiac 8 either.  

    Sorry that the pics aren’t great, I will gladly take more tomorrow if anybody can tell me what views are most helpful.


    Thanks in advance,




  2. I wish I could say almost done, but life happens.  It is currently a painted frame on jack stands.  The two things I really wanted to keep are the Dubonnet shocks and the straight 8, but the needle bearings on my shocks were destroyed and the front cross-member for my engine was rusted in half.  I finally found some shocks and new motor mounts so progress has resumed.  I am hoping to fire up the engine next week.  After that I am gonna assemble the suspension and drop the engine and transmission in.  I don't have any recent pics, but I'll snap some once I get her rolling.  

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  3. I am looking for info on the differential side and spider gears for my 1935 8 Coupe.  The ones I have are pitted from sitting for so long and my parts book only lists part numbers starting with the 1937 models for some reason.  Thanks in advance for all of the help.



  4. Thanks for all the info. I did end up getting the ring and pinion that pont35cpe mentioned and I will checkout POCI. I found the car at a private residence in central Arkansas. This is the only picture of the whole car as the fenders, hood, and grill weren't attached so I removed everything for the transport and it has been in progress since.



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  5. I am looking for any information on a 9.5" ring and pinion or possibly replacing with another size ring gear if possible. I have recently started rebuilding a 1935 Pontiac business coupe that was sitting for at least 25 years. I tore into the rear-end to check out all the gears and bearings, and all the gears are far to pitted. The ring gear is 9.5" and a 4.56 (41-9) ratio, but I can't find any information on a 9.5" ring gear anywhere and my parts manual doesn't have a part number. I would prefer to go back with the 9.5" if possible, but was also wondering if it is possible to put a different ring and pinion and carrier in the car without replacing the whole axle tube. All help is appreciated.


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