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benjamin j

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Posts posted by benjamin j

  1. 24 minutes ago, Gunsmoke said:

    The Tesla Company is the best example at the moment of a possible revolution in Automobile manufacturing that reflects both the present and the future. Creating a signature car at this time, one which will reflect 50 years from now the leading edge of car design and technology and responsibility (in relation to the planet) will need to be fuel efficient, low carbon, lightweight, low cost, durable, easily repairable (replaceable components such as motors/batteries etc), safe, and have a style that reflects these other needs (form closely follows function). Most manufacturers have designed their base models as 4/5 passenger 4-door pods, which they then hybrid as 2 door coupes/converts, and other variations, with a wide range of power-train options and decoration schemes, all part of marketing. It appears so far that Tesla (which had a highest consumer rating of 91%) is limiting their offerings. They are also developing a Semi tractor using the same technology and clean streamlined design.  In the transition period (between gas guzzling V8's and a move to all electric), they may come out with a "hotrod" version, more power, more classic look, aimed at a niche market. If they do I hope they stick to their original guiding principles in respect to the planet. Overseas, several companies are announcing they wil be going all-electric in 5 years or so. It will be interesting to see if the looks of their cars will dramatically change. We all recall in the 20's when the Air-Cooled Franklins eventually began installing a fake chrome radiator shell/grill because of consumer demand. Another area for wise thought is wheels/tires. The fascination of buyers for $500 wheels and ridiculously poorly designed tires has to go. Most cars would ride better and handle better with narrower tires and they could be made to last 50K miles. Today you can probably but from any major manufacturer 50-75 (or more) different car tires, with widths from 5"-12", profiles from 30 to 80, treads from smooth to rugged, rim sized from 10"-21", black or white-walled etc, etc. Just think how inexpensive a tire could be made and marketed  if it was available in 3 sizes, 3 widths, 2 profiles, 3 treads designs, etc. Same goes for wheels, 3,4,5,6,8 bolt, rims dias from 10"-21" plus, widths from 4"-8", plain steel and every conceivable variation of alloy spoke configuration. Car models from year to year seldom use same wheels let alone tire size, bolt pattern etc. 


    In my view, VW had the formula correct in principle with the first Beatles, and sold more of them than Ford's Model T's. I think you could probably take a set of wheels and tires off a 1949VW and put in on their last model. Same goes for their engines and most body components. Seems a lesson could be learned there, build a good solid practical affordable car and keep it that way.    

    The wife and I were just saying the same things about Tesla. Also noted was the body styling has the angles of a stealth fighter or bomber. All those small angled panels that are used to hide from radar. We still have cars that get their body styling cues from airplanes.


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  2. A modern version of the 442 and a remake of the 1966 442 along with a Toronado would sell.   I would not have more than three or four cars rolling of the line but the ones that do would be heavenly. I would start a team of engineers working solely on a flying Oldsmobile car along the lines of the Mohler. So that way Oldsmobile could be one of the first mass produced flying cars. We are nearing that point in time now where flying cars are about to become reality.  

  3. George there is an easy answer take whatever info you have for the car to an attorney in your county that does this type of work. That attorney will look over what you have and be able to tell you what to expect. I get titles this way all the time my attorney is a retired judge and he does all kinds of titles. For the one hundred dollars he charges me I save all kinds of time and then I walk in to the dmv hand them my papers and walk out with a title.

  4. If you could buy any defunct American car company and restart production what company would you buy?   You can only have one. I would have a hard time deciding between Auburn and Oldsmobile but I think it would be Oldsmobile.

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  5. I have worked at the same company for the last twenty years. I started at age 40 I am an engineer. I have a sharp wit and used to give my opinion whether I was asked or not. I have had a lot of success and run the show now. I have wanted to leave many times over the last twenty years of dealing with people. New management every few years has proven to be giant hurdle for me. They come in and want to change the way my department works or the way I do my job. I just decided to give them a little bone to shut them up and it wouldn't hurt my ego much. I have improved at dealing with the people who think they run the show. We just had a GM leave a year ago and go to a new company because of a situation quite similar to what you are dealing with. He took a big drop in pay but is but glad he did it. We stay in contact. You are learning new skills for sure with all this going on and at 40 you may want to stick it out for financial reasons. If you were 60 like me or my last GM maybe make the move take less money and be happy.  

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  6. I have one or two boxes of color coded window regulator springs with the directions on what they fit. I will check and see if I have 1931 Reo Royale there is a good chance I do. I am at work now so it will be tonight. they would be easy to send your way if I have them. I picked up a lot boxes of stuff at auctions and it is funny how many times I have a part some one can use.

  7. I have a few two stroke motorcycles some road and some dirt. my only way of getting real gasoline is to pay an outrageous price at a local airport. I also have to have a storage area at home for real gasoline. I don't ride them often enough to keep fresh ethanol fuel in them and I don't want to go over the handlebars when  a piston locks up. I see all the tree removal people are buying their gas at the airport also.

  8. 18 minutes ago, West Peterson said:


    Don't drag me into that argument!! :D

    Seriously, I would STILL attempt to get the title changed to reflect the car's "number" rather than the "engine's" number.


  9. 19 hours ago, West Peterson said:

    Because I was worried that some day my engine would need to be replaced, I talked the lady at the Ohio DMV to change the title to reflect the actual car's serial number rather than the engine number. Some people tell me I pulled a rabbit out of a hat on that one. Worth a try, in my opinion, especially if you bring the car to the DMV, show them that both numbers are permanently affixed to the car, etc. Tell them engines can be replaced, then you have a big problem.

    Notice how West uses the proper word ENGINE the meaning of the word is correct motor is not correct. serial numbers and vin numbers have the same meaning it is to identify the car and its parts. Don't get hung up on the words when it is the meaning that is important.

  10. 1 hour ago, John_S_in_Penna said:

    I've noticed that modern-day car collectors tend to refer

    to this car as a "REO."  The name of the company did indeed

    come from the initials of Mr. Ransom E. Olds, but even the

    company itself referred to the car as the "Reo."  That's 

    documented in old ads, and even on the grill shell pictured

    in Posting #12.

    true and modern day collectors also say motor even though engine was the word used in the adds. never motor.

  11. 5k is more than I would pay for that even with a good title. it is just not a desirable car for a hot rod. if was a 1934 with the more rounded fenders it would be more desirable but still I can buy those with a title and in the same condition for 2k. As for replacing all the wood guys weld the areas where wood was at instead of replacing the wood.

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  12. we have had a wet summer here in Ohio but the shows and cruise nights go on. some of the fun stuff has been people watching this year. We went to a McDonald's cruise night and had a old guy lecture us on how bad McDonald's food is for your health.  He went on quite a tirade and the whole time he was puffing on his cigarette. We had a guy show up with a corvette that still had the sticker in the window. We asked him how long he had the car and he looked at his watch and says six hours. the same guy came to another show about a month later with a new Dodge challenger. He gets out his folding chair and just sits there all night he never walks around and looks at other cars or talks to anyone.

    We have another guy that brings a blue fox body mustang that must have 15 gallons of bondo in it and looks to have been done by someone with Tourette's syndrome. that guy gets out a lawn chair and a towel he uses to wipe down the car and the towel rubs off some of the blue rattle can paint.  If it starts raining during a show about half the cars rush out for home???? maybe there cars will melt we don't get it. We had one guy trailer his car to a cruise night LOL.

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