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Posts posted by contraptionist

  1. WOW, was that baby buried in a grave with its owner? I may be wrong, but blasting, or chem dip might turn it in to cheese cloth.

    I was involved in one that looked like that a few years ago, and the blaster called to say, YOU MIGHT WANT TO COME TAKE A LOOK BEFORE I GO ANY FURTHER IN THIS PROCESS. He was right, it was history.

    I hope these pictures don't tell that kind of story.

    It would make for a cool piece.

    Dale in Indy

    Actually it`s not bad, my brother does body work, worked for the ford dealer, started his own body shop and they brought their cars to him for repair, he says it`s not too bad, the floor needs repair where the photo shows but the rest isn`t that bad, the outside just needs repair like any other old car, you know, patches here and there, door bottoms, etc., no cheese cloth metal but it does need patching, tom.

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