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Posts posted by Ken_Lincoln

  1. Forgive me for I have sinned .. it has been far too long since I last visited the group.    I have had my 34 for around 15 years and have had an inherent shudder when backing up which has gotten worse over the years

    I have learned to live with it , but the time is rapidly approaching for me to hand over the reins to my son . .. I am now trying to make it more driver friendly for him.

    I have just pulled and checked the gearbox again and found the arm on the clutch lever has badly worn and at some stage { 25 plus years according to previous owner } some one brazed a block on the adjusting pad ..presumably to take up that slack ...  I located 3 other arms which all showed significant wear so machined up a new spigot and re bushed it with a new bronze bush from the rear of the crank.

    Thinking I had solved the problem , I was disappointed to find the shudder still there .. My thoughts are the springs may be flexing as when I place axle stands under the diff , I can run in reverse with no hint of shudder .. any thoughts  ??????




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    Thanks hcris .... I have exhausted all avenues here in Australia, and was hoping to locate some in the US { or anywhere else for that matter } ... Bottom line is my drums are in desperate need of replacement as I want to drive it to South Australia in September ...  a round trip of 2000 kms.  or more over a period of 10 days ...

    and I would feel much more comfortable  { and safe } knowing that the brakes are the best I can possibly get .. I have even contemplated a disc brake conversion , but that opens a real can of worms regarding engineering requirements for the conversion

  3. Hi ... I have an Australian assembled 1934 DR Dodge .... 

    I saw a recent post regarding casting numbers that related to casting date etc. but I can`t find it now ...

    It showed 3 locations  

    1: engine number top left { mine is DR69790 } DR being the model for 34.

    2: down low on the block between the oil filler tube and the distributor { 587 with 3 - 14 under it }

    3: rear bottom of the block { 620026-4 }

    If I am correct. the 3 - 14 would indicate March 14th.. is this correct ??  .. If so it would mean my motor was cast 85 years ago , next week ... Cause for a celebratory drink , I think .. and would the - 4 on the rear number relate to 1934 ??

    Any information would be greatly appreciated



  4. G'day Guys .. I have just finished having my 34 Dodge motor rebuilt ...  and what an epic battle it has been ... The guy doing it somehow lost the cylinder head ... Yeah not an easy thing to do ... after a lot of running around I got a DR head and all is well ... While searching for a head , I had time to make an engine test stand to run it before putting it in the car ... And just as well ... I got a neoprene rear seal set  from Vintage Power Wagons along with other parts I could not get here in Australia .. Had a few issues in fitting and when run, the seal dripped ... Checking with a few other 34 owners here it seems this has been an issue for them as well.... Does not seem to clamp into a crimping seal on the crankshaft .... Can anyone tell me if the DR block seal is any different to those in the block of the 35 onward motors , or are we doing something wrong ?   Any advise would be appreciated as I don't want to fit the one that came in the full gasket set if it is going to leak as well .. Time is on my side and I would rather wait and get it right    Thanks in advance ... Ken

  5. Very nice car Michael .... Looks pretty much original as others have noted ... What 2 letters are at the start of the engine number .. e.g.: mine is DR 69**** denoting 1934 ... That should confirm it is the correct year .. also are there 2 letters cast in the head  .. between the 3rd row from the back head stud bolts on the manifold side

  6. Started pulling my motor out of the 34 Dodge ... looking up what parts are available .. It seems 35 onwards parts are plentiful, but not so for 34.

    Can any one tell me if the oil pump is physically the same , with a different gear drive .. or totally different ..I see the gear is available on it`s own ..

    Thanks Ken

  7. G'day Ian ... Talking about you yesterday with Tony ...   About time for a catch up and check progress ... Got back on Tuesday From Bairnsdale ... A great long weekend ...Previous owner put me onto a guy down there with 34 bits .... wire spokes .. caps  and some other parts  The Dodge ran a bit hot on the longer haul but I am back into it today, and have it sorted ... Give us a ring when you have some free time ... Take Care Mate

  8. G'day ... I have just posted a new thread  looking for a Left side headlight stand for a 36 Dodge ... Is there a stand in that bucket?  If so can you post a photo of the stand on it`s own or casting number etc.so we have a better idea of what we are looking for ... Many thanks  Ken Lincoln

  9. G'day Guys ... A friend here in Melbourne has just purchased a rather nice 36 Dodge Roadster ... Unfortunately he dropped the  bonnet  {or hood} onto the headlight stand and broke it through ... Does anyone have a left hand stand for sale or can somebody post a photo of the correct stand or part numbers so we know just what is needed



  10. Thanks for the pics .. Looks like the weather gods were smiling on you..  I was unable to go to Warwick as I have just attended  The Chrysler Restorers National Rally in Cowra in the week before ... Went to Forbes and unlike the 2014 D.B Rally, the whole area is flooded and had to go to Forbes via Parkes .. All roads in the area were in atrocious condition with potholes and water over the road ...

    Looks like you had a great event, and sorry we missed it

  11. Thanks for that ... I am really only wanting to identify what they actually fit  as they are located in Australia and with the conversion rate and the horrific postage cost I will probably look at trading them with someone local for something I can use


  12. I have a set of wheel cylinders I bought for my 34 Dodge, they are larger than standard and I was told "Bigger is Better"

    As it turned out , they were worse than the original ones .. I contacted an old guy who had done his apprenticeship on old Dodges,.. He advised to re sleeve my originals and fit woven brake linings ... Yep ... problem solved ... I now have a set of stepped cylinders that are 1 1/4 to 1 3/8 ... Does anyone know what these would fit so I can at least  pass them on to someone who can use them ... Bolt hole centres are 1 15/16 apart


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