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If there only was enough storage space

Guest unclefogey

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Guest unclefogey

Purchased a steering wheel on ebay in need of refurbishing for my '41 as a backup in order to be able to move the car while mine was sent off for restoration. It came with a cut off 8" piece of the steering mast attached which did not show up on the auction picture. Mildly concerned that the seller was not aware of the value of a steering box with its attached mast and not wanting any old useful parts go to waste, I emailed the seller that I would send him the 8" piece to be put with the steering box and mast for sale to a rebuilder. If the outfit who rebuilt mine had to weld a new worm gear on the mast, a weld of the mast might work.

The seller emailed back that he could not accept my offer because the car was found at a scrap yard and the owner had given him just an hour to scavenge what he could before the car went to the crusher. He related a list of items he could not get off the car. I don't even want to know what year it was. My initial attempt to make someone realize the value of his parts was crushed with the car. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

In a conversation I had with my steering rebuilder, he said that business was tough because rebuildable steering parts were ending up in Chinese steel mills.

Lastly, I have no idea why this post is so wide. I started this same post a first time, closed it because it was in this wide format, and opened this one. It also was in the wide format so I gave up. Sorry.


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They are not kidding. I have reached the point where I pay the yard kids $20.00 if they call me when something interesting comes in. Last time it was a '66 230SL. $150.00 and allowed two hours to strip it.

On the other hand, a few yards save them. See attachment.

Someone was looking for some of this suspension, but didn't answer my PM.


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