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Fire suppression system

Guest F14CRAZY

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Guest F14CRAZY

Have any of you guys thought of a "hardwired" fire suppression system?

Fire suppression system and related stuff

I personally carry a small fire extinguisher in the hatch behind my seat. It's about the biggest that can fit in there, which really isn't that big. I've heard of a few Reattas being totalled due to fires. Do consider the age of our vehicles though, which multiply the possibilities of fires from:

-fuel leaks

-the miles of wiring on board. I swear we have about as much as a B-52 or 747.

-ECC, IPC, ECM, etc

-our own aftermarket wiring... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />

-stuff getting hot and catching on fire (supercharger, turbocharger...)

Check out the link which I found with some quick googling. I tried ebay first, but didn't find anything. The most expensive unit there will run like 6 nozzles, which could cover like under the hood (maybe 2 there?), inside the dash, cabin, and trunk. It sounds like I'd actually use like 2 of these systems for good coverage. I'm gonna try looking up this halon extinguishing agent and how it puts out fires.

This sounds all good on paper to me. Either automatic extinguishing, or my preference, a quick little pull. Do that, then stop the car and get a good distance away. I personally would be afraid to try to fend off a fuel-fueled fire with a handheld extinguisher. I'd do everything to save my car, but wouldn't like it blowing up in my face.

What do you guys think? A little expensive, but money doesn't matter, if it's forever.

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Halon depletes the ozone layer and I believe that it has been banned??

It puts fires out by displacing the oxygen in the area and smothering the fire. A properly designed system will leave enough oxygen in the area for you to breath. An improperly designed system will not put the fire out or it could kill you dead as it has displaces all the oxygen!!

Frankly I would rather have a car burn as I watch it from a safe distance than to be killed or scarred for life while I try and put a fire out.

This applies to my home also. Too many people have been killed fighting fires that they should have just run from!

just my 2cts

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Halon is approved for AIRCRAFT USE ONLY. Other than that it is great stuff and very effective. Most closed cocpit race cars carry fixed fire supression systems that use CO2. Look in a Summit Racing catalog or a Jegs catalog. CO2 displaces O2, halon disrupts the chemical reaction of combustion.

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Guest maybe2fast

a fire extingisher works well two...and a little car extingisher will fit very well in the passenger storage lid compartment...thats where mine is

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