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Scarier Halloween Tale!


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At 2:00 am on Sunday morning, someone smashed in the windshield of my 1990 and the door windows of my husbands Saturn. We heard it happen but they drove off before we could jump up and look out our bedroom window. Must've been professionals. The entire thing must have lasted less than 5 seconds and they drove off. What is weird is we live in a great neighborhood- the cops even said this sort of thing never happens around where we live. No one else in the neighborhood was hit...that's what is so scary.

Our insurance is making us go through one of their approved glass repair places. Gaurdian, I think. Does anyone have experience with them? Do you know if they will try to put in an aftermarket or if that even matters? Let me know as I'm not scheduled to take the car in until tomorrow...

Thanks and keep watch over your cars!!!!

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Guest Geoff Meador

My wife is a claims adjuster for an insurance company that uses Guardian. She has mentioned in the past that the Reatta windshield is terribly expensive (as in "you'd better not break it") and compares price-wise with some exotic import models in terms of windshield replacement.

Count yourself blessed that the price didn't total an "old car" like the Reatta.

I'll have her check on what type of glass they use.

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