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Dr B

Dr B

I second the advise to personally look at any car you are buying.  Yes, there are people out there who can and do buy cars sight unseen and are willing to roll the dice depending on how much money is at stake or how rare the car is.  Or hire an "unknown" person to look at the car for them.  For me, there are a couple of people I trust (and I mean a couple=2) who are experts in very narrow car niches, or know the specific car, and know all the strengths and weaknesses of those cars, and can tell me whether the car is priced to condition and will not be a money pit. I have committed to purchasing a few cars before I personally saw them. I have had only one 'miss', that car needed more work (and $$$) than expected, not a complete disaster, but took some of the fun out of it. Overall, I have had a great track record buying this way.


Interesting story, about 10 years ago I was considering buying a car and had numerous discussions with the owner and reviewed lots of pictures.  I talked to my "expert" on this cars and he was comfortable this was a good car and a reasonable price.  When I told the owner I wanted to buy the car, he insisted I had to come and see the car and he would not sell it to me before I did.  So, I bought a round trip ticket on the MLK Monday holiday, flew out in the morning, saw the car, bought it, went for lunch with the owner, and flew home. The previous owner and I still keep in touch and we remain friends. So, sometime, seeing the car and meeting the owner can be a positive experience.



Dr B

Dr B

I second the advise to personally look at any car you are buying.  Yes, there are people out there who can and do buy cars sight unseen and are willing to roll the dice depending on how much money is at stake or how rare the car is.  Or hire an "unknown" person to look at the car for them.  For me, there are a couple of people I trust (and I mean a couple=2) who are experts in very narrow car niches, or know the specific car, and know all the strengths and weaknesses of those cars, and can tell me whether the car is priced to condition and will not be a money pit. I have committed to purchasing a few cars before I personally saw them. I have had only one 'miss', that car needed more work (and $$$) than expected, not a complete disaster, but took some of the fun out of it. Overall, I have had a great track record buying this way.


Interesting story, about 10 years ago I was considering buying a car and had numerous discussions with the owner and reviewed lots of pictures.  I talked to my "expert" on this cars and he was comfortable this was a good car and a reasonable price.  When I told the owner I wanted to buy the car, he insisted I had to come and see the car and he would not sell it to me before it did.  So, I bought a round trip ticket on the MLK Monday holiday, flew out in the morning, saw the car, bought it, went for lunch with the owner, and flew home. The previous owner and I still keep in touch and we remain friends. So, sometime, seeing the car and meeting the owner can be a positive experience.



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