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Senior status

Charlie B.

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This will be my 25th post since we went to the new system. Accordingly, I will be a Senior member after this. It doesn't seem fair that I should be put in the same class as Barney,Padgett, Howard, EDBSO, and more like them that have really earned the title. BUT I STILL LIKE IT.

This is the third time I've become a senior, Once was just over 50 yrs ago when my first son was born, He now has 5 brothers and 2 sisters, My wife was a hard working girl. An Irish Catholic girl, thats why there are so many kids. She died in Oct. 95. Boy do I miss her. She would kill me if she knew that I'm spending the money she saved on Reattas, and a couple of other cars.


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Charlie, congratulations on senior status. And don't worry; your Irish lassie is smilin' down from heaven, saying, "Have yourself a good time, me lad!" As a shanty Irisher meself, I've known the sorrow of losing a wife as well as our first-born. Don't deny yourself; don't forget her memory; don't stop doing good for your fellow human beings.


by way of the O'Harrells and the Maginnisses

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