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OK, I have this 31 DH in great shape, but now what kind of gas goes in?? does it matter? leaded regular is a bit hard to come by. I do have enough lead addative to make about 500 gallons of fuel, but this would not be environmentally correct. Does anyone know whats best???<P>thanks<P>Dobie31

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to the best of my knowledge they didn't put lead in gasoline until the 50's.<p>[ 08-05-2002: Message edited by: nearchocolatetown ]

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Lead was introduced into gasoline around 1926 or1927. Your Dodge should run fine on unleaded gas. Put some Marvel Mystry oil in with the gas if you want. It seems to keep valves lubricated. Instructions are on the can. Any parts house carries it.

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Tetra-ethyl lead,which is a white powder,was put into 'high test' gasoline starting around 1930. Many places did not have it for years. And if you wanted it ,you had to pay more for 'ethyl'. Otherwise the pumps dispensed what was called 'white gasolene' (correct spelling) and this had NO additives in it at all. No winter boosters,no anti-gum agents,no anti-knock compounds,nothing. So our cars are made to operate on pure unadulterated gasoline. As far as I know, all CPDD products have hardened Stellite valve seats and chrome-nickel valves. It says so in the manuals that came with the cars and trucks. Cars of to-day are just now being built to Chrysler standards of the 30s. Stellite seats and hardened valves is how to-days manufacturers are coping with un-leaded gas. Our CPDD vehicles were built to take a diet of un-leaded gasolene 70 years ago!! So don't worry,be happy! Be glad you're not collecting Fords and Chevs. They just bang the valves on the bare block and hope for the best. Chrysler Engineering at it's best. smile.gif" border="0

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