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1938 Studebaker Commander ORIGINAL CONDITION needs a new home!!! :(

Guest studebsteve

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Guest studebsteve

This timeless vintage beauty is in ORIGINAL condition. It has lived a leisurely life, sheltered from the storms. It is in need of a good home to live out its golden years..

Allow me to share its biography...

In a simpler lifetime, over seventy-five years ago, my great-uncle Bill ordered this vehicle brand-new from his local dealer in Ogden, Utah on September 13, 1937, for a reasonable sum of $945.00. Apparently he was a man of means, having enough money left over to take the family on a vacation across the country to the birthplace of this youngster, South Bend, Indiana where they met the family's newest member. They had the opportunity to get acquainted as they covered the 1500 miles to it's new home and current residence in Ogden, Utah.

Uncle Bill drove his pride and joy for over thirty years, until he passed away in 1969. Aunt Blanch parked his car in the comfort of the garage where it sat for over twenty years, until they were reunited in clouds of 1991. The car was adopted by Uncle Ron and cleaned-up and restored to running order. Uncle Ron drove it whenever he had the opportunity and kept it safe in his garage otherwise. They cherished their time chasing the black-top until Uncle Ron drove alone into the sunset on a one-way visit to Bill and Blanch in 1998. This car was imprisoned once again within the comfort of a garage.

After another 9 years in lock-up, an appeal for freedom was granted, and my father was granted custody in 2007. As was the tradition, he kept it safe and warm inside the garage until they could hit the open road. It was necessary to replace the wiper blades and tires in order to pass the safety inspection. The brakes system and the fuel pump were jealous of the attention and insisted they too be replaced. The vehicle is currently licensed, registered and in great running order. I had the opportunity to show it off recently and the engine started, first try. Although their time together was too short, the time has come for this vehicle to broaden it's horizons and experience a new adventure.

This vehicle is in great shape and road ready. Vehicle Serial number is 4091414. My father had hoped and dreamed of owning this car for as long as I can remember. The unfortunate sale of this asset is necessary to complete the divorce. The reduced price is $13500, all legitimate & reasonable offers will be considered! Payment preferred is money transfer or certified funds. Buyer is responsible for arranging transportation.

I will be happy to answer questions or provide additional photos as requested.









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