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  1. Well James I think you hit the nail on the head. I was at the shop today checking out the car and noticed the metal plates that should be on the finders are missing. Two attaching holes are there but it looks like the plates have been removed from the finders. I don't know what anyone would remove them but they are not there. I am going to make some temporary plates until I can find what originally belong there. Thanks for the post you?ve been a great help.
  2. I have a 1951 Buick Super Convertible and it's in the shop getting painted. We ran into a problem with the hood rubbing the finder when opening it. It's ok when down. We checked the hinges, they were loose but we now have them tight. We have adjusted the hinges as per the shop manual. The finders are adjusted all the way out and the hood will still rub on the hinged side of finder when about 1/2 way open. It does this no matter which way you open it. I have got to get this fixed before I paint the car or it will just roll the paint off the finders. Any ideas???
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