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Posts posted by Ras_Thavas

  1. Hi, I registered for this forum in order to spread the word and get some feedback about this: News Article

    I came across it while reading autoblog.com. Autoblog

    Anyway, I have been working on a restoration project, and if they prevent me from being able to buy paint to do my own spraying I will never be able to afford to finish my car.

    Since autoblog had an e-mail address for the person at the EPA to contact I shot her an e-mail addressing my concerns. She replied, and I sent her a follow up e-mail based on her responses.

    Basically, from what she has told me they are thinking about having a certification process, similar to getting a hunting license. I told her that might be ok if the cost was not too prohibitive.

    Anyway, she wants to call me and talk to me. So I figured I would put a post here and see if I can get some feedback and relay any of your concerns. I am concerned that I may not have current info as my restoration project had been on hold for some time and I have not really kept up with current events in the hobby.

    I really would like information on how many of you are painting your entire car in your garage, say in a residential neighborhood. I told her that I did not think many hobbyists still paint the entire car in their garages (barring hobbyists who have set up a garage especially for painting.) From speaking to people at a few recent car shows they all seem to rent paint booths. From my experience applying a two-part paint system, having an ultra clean environment would seem to make the most sense. I told her a lot of people are probably spraying small stuff, frame members, engine compartment stuff, etc. in their garages.

    Please post any comments you have and I will try to get them to her when she calls me.

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