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About Fritz1959

  • Birthday 08/09/1959

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  1. The last year, i try to finde out who was the first owner of my Buick. Maybe he´s still alive. Is there a chance to find it out? I´m sure,he will be very surprised to here, that his old car still running, in Germany! Sincerely Markus
  2. @ tanc83 I own nearly 2000!!! of this 50´s U.S. postcards. All on CD.
  3. @ K 8096 OH!! I`m realy surprised about the German language here. Dankeschön! Oh Boy, the gasoline is very expensive in Germany. On a Turnpike the Buick need round about 15 liters for 58 miles at a moderate speed. That´s o.k. But every time i was at the Gas Station, i spare the money for food. this has two advantages: I get no overweight and the time i don´t eat, i cruisin with the Buick And yes, i was in Austria with the Buick. Remember the old slogan : the Buick " Makes any Peak a Piker" Sincerely Markus
  4. @ Philippe Racicot Thank´s for the Invormation. First i translate the direction into German language. @ ZoundaC12 Yes indeed, we have some great Show´s in Germany and also in Netherlands and Switzerland. The U.S. 50´s & 60´s Car scene grows. Have i understood right? You´r Mother once drive a 57 Buick? Maybe it´s her old Car? My Buick was sold by Mr&Mrs. Wiedling, South Bend, IN. Sincerely Markus
  5. Hi Lamar, thank´s to offer your help. I start with the first step and post some pictures in the Gallery under the name: POCKETROCKET. Sincerely Markus
  6. Hi, this is Markus and i´m the new one here. I´m a German and for this reason, please forgive my bad English. In 2002, i buy a 57 Special in perfekt condition from a local used car trader.It was love at the first sight! The Buick stand between all the new BMW and VW`s. His Owner died with 34 and his mother dind´t know better, to place his Buick at a used car dealer. Since this day, i drive the 57 Buick as a "all day driver".After some Engine service in the first time, the car run great- day by day. This week i disassemble the Dynaflow for installation of new band´s and bearings. I love doing this I hope, someday i understand the way, to insert photos into the text I have some photos of "German" Buick´s. sincerely Markus
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