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Posts posted by starfire63

  1. Guys and gals, I need some help. I'm detailing under the hood. I need to know whether the undersurface of the hood is supposed to be body color or black. Can somebody with an original car please let me know ASAP? Mine was repainted black, underneath is clearly body color, but I don't know if that body color was a repaint at some point. The support bars have been stripped down, those look to have been black painted at the factory. It's the rest of the underhood I need to know about.

  2. I have a 63 convertible since 1991. I've loved the starfire since my parents brought me home in one from the hospital when I was born!

    I've seen many original coupes, and the original headliner is a foam material, which is not being reproduced as far as I know. It is extremely fragile, and I doubt that it can be removed from another car intact, so you may just have to have an upholstery shop make one up of some cloth. The emblems are easy, if yours are in good condition except for the paint. Take em off, clean/polish, then get some candy apple red spray (the kind where you need a silver base under the paint), mask, and spray directly on the area that needs to be red. I did this on the grille and trunk "stars" and it looks pretty good. As for the covers, there is a template that fits over the wheel covers and acts as a mask for the paint. Many moons ago, I borrowed one from a friend and painted a set of N.O.S. caps, but i don't know how to contact that friend any more. I'm sure you could mask them if you invested the time, but that would be too tedious for me. I hope this helps you somewhat, good luck!

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