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Posts posted by JWdwrth

  1. Don, thank you! I'll get my web site updated sometime Tuesday morning. When you have a chance I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd take a look and see if I've updated each car's description correctly and let me know. I want to make sure I identify these beauties correctly.

    Anything else going on with antique autos in the Inland Northwest? I'd love to get more pictures.


  2. I had a chance to see some cars which were participating in a reliability run from Spokane to Seattle. These cars were built between 1902 and 1914. Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to find out the make and model year for most of them.

    The gallery is here:


    If you can help me identify the make and/or model year of the ones I don't have that information for I'd appreciate it. If you can identify a car please leave a comment on that image or in the specific gallery.

    Jim Woodworth

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